Integrating Xperience membership

Xperience provides an integration API that allows you to work with Xperience membership data on websites presented by a separate MVC application. The API is available in the Kentico.Membership assembly and namespace, which is provided as part of the Kentico.Xperience.AspNet.Mvc5 integration package.
Xperience provides an integration API that allows you to work with the system’s membership data on websites presented by ASP.NET Core applications. The API is available in the Kentico.Membership namespace, which is provided as part of the Xperience.AspNetCore.WebApp integration package.

You can set up the following scenarios:

The membership integration is based on ASP.NET Identity and the OWIN standard. As a result, you can work with user data through the standard approaches that you would use in any ASP.NET MVC application.

Download and examine the LearningKit project for a sample implementation of the Xperience membership integration.

The membership integration is based on ASP.NET Core Identity. As a result, you can work with user data through the standard approaches that you would use in any ASP.NET Core application.

Download and examine the LearningKit project for a sample implementation of the Xperience membership integration.

Integrating Xperience membership into your project

Before you can start working with Xperience membership data in your application, you need to register the required API:

  1. Open your MVC project in Visual Studio.

  2. Install the Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb NuGet package.

  3. Add a Startup.Auth class to your project’s App_Start folder (or modify your existing authentication startup file):

     using System;
     using System.Web;
     using System.Web.Mvc;
     using Microsoft.Owin;
     using Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies;
     using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
     using Owin;
     using CMS.Helpers;
     using CMS.SiteProvider;
     using Kentico.Membership;
     // Assembly attribute that sets the OWIN startup class
     // This example sets the Startup class from the 'LearningKit.App_Start' namespace, not 'LearningKit.App_Start.Basic' used below
     // The active Startup class is defined in Startup.Auth.cs and additionally demonstrates registration of external authentication services
     [assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(LearningKit.App_Start.Startup))]
     namespace LearningKit.App_Start.Basic
         public partial class Startup
             // Cookie name prefix used by OWIN when creating authentication cookies
             private const string OWIN_COOKIE_PREFIX = ".AspNet.";
             public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
                 // Registers the Kentico.Membership identity implementation
                 app.CreatePerOwinContext(() => KenticoUserManager.Initialize(app, new KenticoUserManager(new KenticoUserStore(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))));
                 // Configures the authentication cookie
                 UrlHelper urlHelper = new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);
                 app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
                     AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
                     // Fill in the name of your sign-in action and controller
                     LoginPath = new PathString(urlHelper.Action("SignIn", "Account")),
                     Provider = new CookieAuthenticationProvider
                         // Sets the return URL for the sign-in page redirect (fill in the name of your sign-in action and controller)
                         OnApplyRedirect = context => context.Response.Redirect(urlHelper.Action("SignIn", "Account")
                                                      + new Uri(context.RedirectUri).Query)
                 // Registers the authentication cookie with the 'Essential' cookie level
                 // Ensures that the cookie is preserved when changing a visitor's allowed cookie level below 'Visitor'
                 CookieHelper.RegisterCookie(OWIN_COOKIE_PREFIX + DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie, CookieLevel.Essential);
  1. Open your ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio.

  2. Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity NuGet package.

  3. Modify the startup file of your project (Startup.cs by default).

    • In the ConfigureServices method, add types and services required to work with Xperience Identity:

        using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
        using CMS.Helpers;
        using Kentico.Membership;
        private const string AUTHENTICATION_COOKIE_NAME = "identity.authentication";
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // Adds Xperience services required by the system's Identity implementation
            services.AddScoped<IPasswordHasher<ApplicationUser>, Kentico.Membership.PasswordHasher<ApplicationUser>>();
            services.AddScoped<IMessageService, MessageService>();
            services.AddApplicationIdentity<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>()
                            // Adds token providers used to generate tokens for email confirmations, password resets, etc.
                            // Adds an implementation of the UserStore for working with Xperience user objects
                            // Adds an implementation of the RoleStore used for working with Xperience roles
                            // Adds an implementation of the UserManager for Xperience membership
                            // Adds the default implementation of the SignInManger
            // Adds authentication and authorization services provided by the framework
            // Configures the application's authentication cookie
            services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(c =>
                c.LoginPath = new PathString("/");
                c.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14);
                c.SlidingExpiration = true;
                c.Cookie.Name = AUTHENTICATION_COOKIE_NAME;
            // Registers the authentication cookie in Xperience with the 'Essential' cookie level
            // Ensures that the cookie is preserved when changing a visitor's allowed cookie level below 'Visitor'
            CookieHelper.RegisterCookie(AUTHENTICATION_COOKIE_NAME, CookieLevel.Essential);
    • In the Configure method, register the corresponding middleware:

        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)

Registering authentication cookies

We strongly recommend registering all authentication cookies used on your website with an appropriate cookie level (Essential when working with the default cookie level values).

Otherwise you may encounter problems with the cookies being cleared after adjusting the allowed cookie level for visitors (typically when visitors do not consent with tracking). Changes of the allowed cookie level automatically remove all cookies above the given level. Any unregistered cookies are processed with the Visitor level, which is usually too high for basic authentication cookies.

To register a cookie, call the CookieHelper.RegisterCookie method (available in the CMS.Helpers namespace of the Xperience API) in your application’s startup code. You can access the default level values in the CookieLevel enumeration.

The Xperience membership implementation is now registered and you can work with the Kentico.Membership API in your application’s code. Continue by setting up user authentication. You can also implement the following features:

Configuring the membership integration

The configuration of the membership integration provided by Xperience reflects the Security & Membership and Passwords settings configured via the Settings application in the administration interface. The system maps these settings when initializing the KenticoUserManager class. 


Corresponding membership configuration


Require unique user emails


These settings are mapped during the KenticoUserManger.Initialize call.

Reset password interval


When configuring membership for your application, do not override the mentioned UserManager configuration unless you explicitly intend to do so. Otherwise, you effectively remove the ability to configure the corresponding behavior via the administration interface. 

The configuration of the Identity classes provided by Xperience (ApplicationUserManager, ApplicationUserStore, etc.) reflects the Security & Membership and Passwords settings configured via the Settings application in the administration interface. To ensure these settings do not interfere with existing Identity functionality, the system maps certain settings to the Identity configuration

The following table details the mapping of all Xperience settings to ASP.NET Core Identity configuration options:


Identity configuration option


Require unique user emails


These settings are mapped as part of the AddApplicationIdentity call before the user-provided Identity configuration is applied. 

Registration requires administrator’s approval


Reset password interval


This configuration is set during the AddApplicationDefaultTokenProviders call.

If the reset interval is set to 0, the password reset token expiration defaults to 24 hours. 

When configuring Identity for your application, do not override these options unless you explicitly intend to do so. Otherwise, you effectively remove the ability to configure the corresponding behavior via the administration interface.