Setting up search on your website

Xperience provides an index-based search solution, which allows users to search through the content of websites and various types of data within the system.

You can choose between two different approaches – Azure Cognitive Search and local indexes.

  • Indexed content is stored using the cloud-based Azure Cognitive Search
  • Wide range of features, including faceted navigation, search result scoring, language analysis, etc.
  • Requires an Azure Cognitive Search service subscription (paid except for limited search scenarios, the price depends on the selected Pricing tier)
  • Search queries can target only one search index

To learn more, see the Using Azure Cognitive Search sub-chapter.

Locally stored search indexes

  • Search indexes are stored as files on the web server’s file system
  • Offers multiple specialized index types (indexes covering custom table or form data by default, indexes with custom developer functionality)
  • Searches can target multiple indexes

To learn more, see the Using locally stored search indexes sub-chapter.