Viewing LinkedIn statistics

Enterprise license required

Features described on this page require the Kentico Xperience Enterprise license.

Xperience collects statistical data from your LinkedIn company pages. You can view the metrics and trends of your LinkedIn company pages in the detail of each company profile in LinkedIn -> Company profiles. You can also view the statistics of individual company updates in LinkedIn -> Company updates.

  1. In the administration interface, open the LinkedIn application.
  2. Edit () a company profile.
    • The Statistics tab appears.
  3. Select a statistics type in the tree on the left.

A report graph appears. The graph displays a daily report for the statistics of the edited company profile. You can adjust the period displayed in the graph.

Viewing company update statistics

To view statistics for a particular company update, go to LinkedIn -> Company updates. The list of company updates shows selected statistics items next to each company update.

The system checks for new statistics data once a day.

  • The statistics available on the Company updates tab provide you with data up to date at the time of collection.
  • The statistics available on the Company profiles -> Statistics tab provide you with data up to date at the end of the preceding day (or from 2 days ago for Follower count statistics). This is because the respective graphs display data for whole days only.

Required permissions for viewing LinkedIn statistics

To view LinkedIn statistics in Xperience, an administrator must give you the Read permission for the Social media module.

Available LinkedIn statistics

Company profile statistics

Click count

The number of clicks on your content, company name, or logo. Interactions (shares, likes, and comments) are excluded.

Comment count

The number of times LinkedIn members commented on your company page.

Follower count - Organic

The number of followers you gained naturally, without advertising. Note that follower count statistics are collected with a 2 day delay.

Follower count - Paid

The number of followers you gained through advertising, i.e. through Sponsored Updates and/or Company Follow Ads. Note that follower count statistics are collected with a 2 day delay.

Follower count - Total

The total number of LinkedIn members following your company page. Note that follower count statistics are collected with a 2 day delay.

Impression count

The number of times each update was shown to LinkedIn members.

Like count

The number of times LinkedIn members liked your company page.

Share count

The number of times LinkedIn members visited your company page, including duplicate visits to the page. For example, when a member refreshes your company page or navigates away from it, but returns later.

Unique count

The number of times LinkedIn members visited your company page, excluding duplicate visits to the page.

Company update statistics


The number of times the company update was clicked.


The number of times the company update was shown to LinkedIn members.


The number of times the company update was liked.