Managing files

Xperience allows you to upload files (such as GIF, JPG, SWF, PDF, XLS, DOC, etc.) to the Xperience database or file system and manage them as any other content.

If you need to upload files to the Xperience database or file system, you need to distinguish between three types of files:

Importing multiple files into Xperience at once

You can use two approaches to upload multiple files at once:

Page attachments

These files are added under a specific page in the site content tree and their life cycle is also bound to the page (including workflow and versioning). You can have an unlimited number of files attached to a page.

For a detailed description and examples, see Attaching files to pages.

Media libraries

We recommend the Media libraries application to store large amounts of files. You can use files in media libraries to create image galleries, video galleries or as a way of managing larger amounts of files of different types. The application and its typical usage is described in Media libraries.

To upload multiple files at once, see Inserting files into media libraries.

Unmanaged files

Unmanaged files are files that are part of your web project and stored in the project’s local file system. These files are not managed by Xperience.