Settings - Cognitive Services

You can access these settings in the Settings application under the Content -> Cognitive Services category. 

Text analytics

Enable sentiment analysis

Enables analysis of text sentiment when editing page fields on the Content tab in the Pages application.

The analysis is performed by the Microsoft Azure Text Analytics API (Cognitive Services).

To use the sentiment analysis feature, you need to create and activate a Text Analytics resource in the Microsoft Azure portal.

Once enabled, sentiment analysis becomes available for page fields that use one of the following form controls:

  • Rich text editor
  • Text area

Note: Sentiment analysis is not supported on the Content tab of product page types (page types with the Page type represents a product type flag enabled).

Azure Text Analytics API endpoint

The endpoint of the Microsoft Azure Text Analytics API resource that performs the text analysis.

You can find the endpoint in the Microsoft Azure portal when viewing your Text Analytics (Cognitive Services) resource.

Azure Text Analytics API key

A valid key of the Microsoft Azure Text Analytics API resource specified by the endpoint setting.

You can manage API keys in the Microsoft Azure portal when viewing your Text Analytics (Cognitive Services) resource.

Image recognition

Enable image recognition

Enables automatic generating of alternative text for images.

The image recognition is performed by the Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API (Cognitive Services). To use the image recognition feature, you need to create and activate a Computer Vision resource in the Microsoft Azure portal.

Once enabled, alternative text is generated when inserting images into:

The automatic generating only runs if another source for the alternative text is not specified in Xperience. The alternative text sources have the following priority:

  1. The alternative text entered by the editor directly in the insert image dialog
  2. The Description property set in the metadata of the inserted image (for example a Media library file)
  3. The alternative text generated by the automatic image recognition (Microsoft Azure Computer Vision)

Azure Computer Vision API endpoint

The endpoint of the Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API resource that performs the image recognition.

You can find the endpoint in the Microsoft Azure portal when viewing your Computer Vision (Cognitive Services) resource.

Azure Computer Vision API key

A valid key of the Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API resource specified by the endpoint setting.

You can manage API keys in the Microsoft Azure portal when viewing your Computer Vision (Cognitive Services) resource.

Minimum confidence

Microsoft Azure Computer Vision gives every alternative text a confidence score, which represents the accuracy of the image processing and resulting image description.

This setting specifies the minimum confidence value required for an alternative text to be used in Xperience. Enter a decimal number between 0 (lowest confidence) and 1 (best confidence). Alternative text values returned with a confidence score below the minimum value are discarded.

  • Increase the minimum confidence value for more accurate image descriptions (at the cost of more discarded descriptions)
  • Decrease the minimum confidence value for fewer discarded image descriptions (at the cost of less accurate descriptions)