Working with form data using the API

You can use the Xperience API to manage the data that users submit through forms. Two different approaches are available:

Working with existing form records

Use the following approach to access the data of a form at any time:

  1. Get a BizFormInfo object representing the form itself (call the IBizFormInfoProvider.Get method).
  2. Get the form’s class name (use the DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo method with the form’s class ID as the parameter, access the ClassName property of the DataClassInfo object).
  3. Call one of the following methods to get the form’s data:
    • BizFormItemProvider.GetItems(class name) – loads all of the given form’s records (or a filtered subset). You can loop through the BizFormItem objects in the data.
    • BizFormItemProvider.GetItem(item ID, class name) – gets one BizFormItem record specified by ID.

To get the values of specific fields from BizFormItem objects, call the GetValue methods – either the general GetValue, which returns an object, or methods for specific data types, such as GetStringValue.

To set values for fields, use the SetValue method for individual fields and then call SubmitChanges for the BizFormItem object to save the results.


using CMS.OnlineForms;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.SiteProvider;
using CMS.Helpers;


// Gets the form info object for the 'ContactUs' form
BizFormInfo formObject = BizFormInfo.Provider.Get("ContactUs", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

// Gets the class name of the 'ContactUs' form
DataClassInfo formClass = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(formObject.FormClassID);
string className = formClass.ClassName;

// Loads the form's data
ObjectQuery<BizFormItem> data = BizFormItemProvider.GetItems(className);

// Checks whether the form contains any records
if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(data))
    // Loops through the form's data records
    foreach (BizFormItem item in data)
        string firstNameFieldValue = item.GetStringValue("FirstName", "");
        string lastNameFieldValue = item.GetStringValue("LastName", "");

        // Perform any required logic with the form field values

        // Variable representing a custom value that you want to save into the form data
        object customFieldValue;

        // Programatically assigns and saves a value for the form record's 'CustomField' field
        item.SetValue("CustomField", customFieldValue);

Handling form events

To perform custom actions directly when form actions occur, implement handlers for BizFormItemEvents events.

You need to assign handlers for the events at the beginning of the application’s life cycle – create a custom module class and override the module’s OnInit method.

To access the data of the active form in the event handler, use the Item property (BizFormItem type) of the BizFormItemEventArgs parameter. The parameter is available for all form item event handlers.


using CMS;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.OnlineForms;

// Registers the custom module into the system
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(FormHandlerModule))]

public class FormHandlerModule : Module
    // Module class constructor, the system registers the module under the name "CustomFormHandlers"
    public FormHandlerModule()
        : base("CustomFormHandlers")

    // Contains initialization code that is executed when the application starts
    protected override void OnInit()

        // Assigns a handler to the BizFormItemEvents.Insert.After event
        // This event occurs after the creation of every new form record
        BizFormItemEvents.Insert.After += FormItem_InsertAfterHandler;

    // Handles the form data when users create new records for the 'ContactUs' form
    private void FormItem_InsertAfterHandler(object sender, BizFormItemEventArgs e)
        // Gets the form data object from the event handler parameter
        BizFormItem formDataItem = e.Item;

        // Checks that the form record was successfully created
        // Ensures that the custom actions only occur for records of the 'ContactUs' form
        // The values of form class names must be in lower case
        if (formDataItem != null && formDataItem.BizFormClassName == "bizform.contactus")
            string firstNameFieldValue = formDataItem.GetStringValue("FirstName", "");
            string lastNameFieldValue = formDataItem.GetStringValue("LastName", "");

            // Perform any required logic with the form field values

            // Variable representing a custom value that you want to save into the form data
            object customFieldValue;

            // Sets and saves a value for the form record's 'CustomField' field
            formDataItem.SetValue("CustomField", customFieldValue);