Customizing orders

You can customize how the system creates, modifies or deletes orders. That is suitable especially when you want to process additional actions while working with orders, or when you want to completely replace how the system works with orders.

To customize processes that work with orders, you need to implement a custom provider that inherits from the OrderInfoProvider class:

  1. Prepare an assembly (Class Library project) with class discovery enabled in your Xperience solution (or use an existing one). See Adding custom assemblies

    • Reference the project from both your live site and Xperience administration (CMSApp) projects.
  2. Create a new class in your project in Visual Studio (for example CustomOrderInfoProvider.cs) that inherits from the OrderInfoProvider class and registers the custom InfoProvider:

     [assembly: RegisterCustomProvider(typeof(CustomOrderInfoProvider))]
     public class CustomOrderInfoProvider : OrderInfoProvider
  3. Implement methods that override the default OrderInfoProvider methods.

  4. Save the file and Rebuild the solution.

The system now uses the custom OrderInfoProvider class with the modified methods.

Virtual methods in the OrderInfoProvider

The following list does not contain virtual methods related to email notifications for orders.


Creates or updates an order based on a specified order object (OrderInfo info).

If you decide to completely override the order creation and update process without calling base.Set(info), you also need to perform the following tasks:

  • Assign an order date
  • Assign an order status
  • Set the order as paid if necessary
  • Save the order by calling SetInfo(info)

To ensure the database’s integrity, you can use transactions:

using (var tr = BeginTransaction())
    // ... your code ...


public virtual void Set(OrderInfo info) { }

See an example below.


Deletes an order based on a specified order object (OrderInfo info).

To ensure the database’s integrity, you can use transactions:

using (var tr = BeginTransaction())
    // ... your code ...


public virtual void Delete(OrderInfo info) { }


Returns an invoice number generated from a specified shopping cart.

protected virtual string GenerateInvoiceNumberInternal(ShoppingCartInfo cart) { }


Updates an order status of a specified order (OrderInfo orderObj), which already contains the new order status, from a specified original order status (int originalStatusId). If the order is new (bool newOrder), the method does not check the original order status.

If the original and new statuses are not the same, the system sends an email notification about the change as configured.

protected virtual void UpdateOrderStatusHistoryInternal(OrderInfo orderObj, int originalStatusId, bool newOrder) { }


By default, the method is called when an order is paid (during theSetmethod).

Processes order items of the membership and e-product product representations (see the ProcessMembershipInternal and ProcessEProductInternal methods) of a specified order (OrderInfo oi) and then sends an email notification if the order is paid.

protected virtual void ProcessOrderIsPaidChangeInternal(OrderInfo oi) { }


By default, the method is called when an order is paid (during the ProcessOrderIsPaidChangeInternal method).

Creates or updates a record regarding a specified user (UserInfo ui) and a specified membership (SKUInfo skui) in a specified order (OrderInfo oi) as a specified order item (OrderItemInfo oii). Specify to when the membership is supposed to be prolonged (DateTime now).

protected virtual void ProcessMembershipInternal(OrderInfo oi, OrderItemInfo oii, SKUInfo skui, UserInfo ui, DateTime now)


By default, the method is called when an order is paid (during the ProcessOrderIsPaidChangeInternal method).

Enables or disables downloading files of a specified e-product (SKUInfo skui) contained in a specified order (OrderInfo order) as a specified order item (OrderItemInfo item) from a specified date and time (DateTime now). Enabling or disabling is decided based on the payment status of the order.

protected virtual void ProcessEProductInternal(OrderInfo order, OrderItemInfo item, SKUInfo skui, DateTime now)

Example - Adding extra credit after creating new orders

The following example demonstrates how to add extra credit to the credit account of every customer who creates an order with the total price higher than 1000 in the site’s main currency.

using System;

using CMS;
using CMS.Ecommerce;
using CMS.SiteProvider;

[assembly: RegisterCustomProvider(typeof(CustomOrderInfoProvider))]

public class CustomOrderInfoProvider : OrderInfoProvider
    public override void Set(OrderInfo info)
        if (info == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info));

        // Indicates whether the set object is a new order
        bool newOrder = info.OrderID <= 0;

        // Updates the order or creates a new order using the default API

        // Adds extra credit for each new order with the total price higher than 1000
        if (newOrder && (info.OrderTotalPriceInMainCurrency > 1000))
            // Creates a new credit event
            CreditEventInfo extraCredit = new CreditEventInfo();

            // Sets the credit event's general properties
            extraCredit.EventName = string.Format("Credit for your order: {0}", info.OrderID);
            extraCredit.EventDate = DateTime.Now;
            extraCredit.EventDescription = "Thank you for your order.";
            extraCredit.EventCustomerID = info.OrderCustomerID;

            // Sets the credit event's value in the site main currency
            extraCredit.EventCreditChange = 10;

            // Sets credit as site credit or as global credit according to the settings
            extraCredit.EventSiteID = ECommerceHelper.GetSiteID(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, ECommerceSettings.USE_GLOBAL_CREDIT);

            // Saves the credit event