Configuring on-line stores

Before you can begin running your on-line store, there are a few configuration steps you need to go through to ensure everything will run smoothly. The settings allow you to adjust the Xperience E-commerce solution to fit your needs.

If you do not have any experience with the E-commerce Solution, install the sample DancingGoat MVC site to learn more about the system. You can treat the sample site as a sandbox where you can find examples of various implemented functionality and as a way to test your store configuration in a safe environment.

This sequence of steps is tailored specifically to new Xperience installations. If you already have a configured instance and only wish to make specific adjustments, feel free to skip steps as necessary.

If you do not wish to follow the configuration step-by-step as outlined above, we have prepared a short list of tips you can turn to when configuring the Xperience E-commerce Solution.