Preparing widgets for users

Widgets are page components that display content and provide functionality. Like web parts, widgets serve as building blocks for creating the content of pages through a browser. You can think of widgets as lightweight versions of web parts, typically with a simplified configuration interface. Every widget is based on an existing web part.

The purpose of widgets is to allow customization of specific page areas by users who do not have design permissions — content editors or end users of websites.

Users can work with widgets in the following scenarios:

Widget type


Editor widgets

Content editors can manage widgets inside predefined zones:

  • on the Page tab of the Pages application
  • when editing pages in on-site editing mode

See: Adding page content through widgets

Inline widgets

Content editors can insert widgets directly into text regions on pages and document fields.

See: Adding inline widgets into text

User widgets

Registered users can personalize the content of special page areas on the live site. Each user has their own unique version of the personalized page.

Group widgets

Administrators of community groups can work with widgets on the live site inside zones on group pages.

See: Customizing group pages using widgets

Dashboard widgets

Widgets serve as components that users can add to dashboards within the Kentico administration interface.

See: Managing widget dashboard content

Kentico provides a set of widgets by default. You can also create additional widgets with any required functionality.