Add fields to member objects

Xperience by Kentico provides the option to extend the objects representing members (visitors who register an account in the system) with additional fields.

The default member object is composed of a set of basic fields required to fulfill simple authentication scenarios. The object can store names, emails, passwords, and supports external logins. However, this may not be sufficient for more advanced scenarios that need to capture more specific user data – personal information, data from social identity providers, etc.

For instance, your application may want to store additional information – first and last names, a profile picture URL – for users that sign in using an external authentication provider (Google, Twitter, Facebook, Auth0, etc.). This can be achieved by extending member objects with additional fields that capture the desired data.

When adding new fields:

Add the new fields to the MemberInfo object

The first step is to define new fields for CMS.Membership.MemberInfo. The class is connected to Xperience’s ORM framework and its API is used when saving members to the database. Extending the object adds new columns to the CMS_Member database table, where the additional data will be stored (for more information about the architecture, see Remarks - ApplicationUser and MemberInfo).

  1. In the admin UI, open the Modules application.
  2. Select the Membership module.
  3. Switch to the Classes tab.
  4. Select the Member class.
  5. Switch to the Database columns tab.
  6. Create new fields based on your requirements using the field editor.

You have added custom fields to the member object. For more information about the ORM framework in Xperience, see: Database table APIObject typesExtend system object types

Modify the ApplicationUser class

The added fields now need to be reflected in the ApplicationUser class to make them available for use within ASP.NET Identity APIs.

  1. In your project, create a new class that inherits from Kentico.Membership.ApplicationUser .
  2. In the class, declare properties corresponding to the object type fields added via the Modules application.
  3. Override the MapFromMemberInfo and MapToMemberInfo methods and:
    1. Call the base implementation of each method. This ensures the default mapping.
    2. Get and set values of the custom properties you wish to have available using MemberInfo.GetValue and MemberInfo.SetValue
ExtendedApplicationUser class

using CMS.Membership;

using Kentico.Membership;

namespace MemberCustomization
    // Extends the default Kentico.Membership.ApplicationUser object
    public class ExtendedApplicationUser : ApplicationUser
        // Exposes the existing 'MemberId' property of the 'MemberInfo' object
        public int MemberId

        // Property that corresponds to a custom field specified in the Modules application in the admin UI
        public string FirstName

        // Ensures field mapping between Xperience member objects and the Kentico.Membership ASP.NET Identity implementation
        // Called when retrieving member from Xperience via Kentico.Membership.ApplicationUserManager<TUser>
        public override void MapFromMemberInfo(MemberInfo source)
            // Calls the base class implementation of the MapFromMemberInfo method

            // Maps the 'MemberId' property to the extended member object
            MemberId = source.MemberID;

            // Sets the value of the 'FirstName' property
            FirstName = source.GetValue<string>("FirstName", null);

        // Ensures field mapping between Xperience member objects and the Kentico.Membership ASP.NET Identity implementation
        // Called when creating or updating members using Kentico.Membership.ApplicationUserManager<TUser>
        public override void MapToMemberInfo(MemberInfo target)
            // Calls the base class implementation of the MapToMemberInfo method

            // Maps the 'MemberId' property to the extended member object
            target.MemberID = MemberId;

            // Sets the value of the 'FirstName' MemberInfo field
            target.SetValue("FirstName", FirstName);

The extended class is now ready. The main benefit of this approach is that it enables you to work with the added custom fields using strongly-typed properties.

Configure ASP.NET Identity to work with the modified ApplicationUser

In your application’s startup file (Program.cs by default), edit the Identity configuration. Substitute the ApplicationUser class with the extendedclass(ExtendedApplicationUser in this example).

Program.cs - ASP.NET Identity configuration

builder.Services.AddIdentity<ExtendedApplicationUser, NoOpApplicationRole>(options =>
    options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true;

When working with Identity services in code, use the extended user class, for example:

public AccountController(UserManager<ExtendedApplicationUser> userManager, SignInManager<ExtendedApplicationUser> signInManager)

The Identity implementation now works with the extended member objects. You can use the additional fields to capture more information from users during forms authentication, or store additional claims from an external identity provider.

Display added fields in the Members application

To display the fields added to the Member object type in the Membership application (e.g., when inspecting details of selected members), add the fields to the object type’s Edit UI form:

  1. Open the Modules application and navigate to MembershipClassesMemberUI forms.
  2. Select the Edit UI form.
  3. Select New field. The Database column selector opens.
    • Use the selector to choose from among the columns added to the Member class. Data submitted via the created form field is persisted in the selected column.
  4. Add the new columns to the form using the field editor.

The added columns now show in the modified UI form when viewing member details in the Members application.

Additionally, to display the added fields in the member listing (on the root page of the application), write an extender for the MemberList listing UI page:

Display a 'FirstName' column in the listing

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base;
using Kentico.Xperience.Admin.Base.UIPages;

public class MemberListExtender : PageExtender<MemberList>
    public override Task ConfigurePage()

        // Displays a 'FirstName' column in the listing

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Remarks – ApplicationUser and MemberInfo

Xperience applications implement authentication using ASP.NET Identity. The implementation uses the Kentico.Membership.ApplicationUser type derived from IdentityUser to represent members. When saving member data to the database (CreateAsync or UpdateAsync methods on UserManager), Xperience maps data from ApplicationUser to CMS.Membership.MemberInfo objects. MemberInfo objects are connected to the system’s ORM framework, which is then used to persist the data to the database.

Conversely, when retrieving member data from the database (UserManager.FindBy* methods), the member is first retrieved as MemberInfo and then converted to ApplicationUser. The transfer of data between objects from both sides of the flow is handled by the MapFromMemberInfo and MapToMemberInfo methods on ApplicationUser.

The main benefit of the additional layer introduced by ApplicationUser is the ability to work with added fields using strongly-typed properties. This would not be possible if Identity worked directly with MemberInfo, because system *Info class definitions cannot be easily extended with new fields (they are not declared as partial classes). The only way to access custom fields is via the GetValue and SetValue methods, which do not allow for direct typed access (see Extend system object types). For a more detailed overview of Xperience’s Identity architecture, see Registration and authentication.