Define macro fields

Macro fields need to be defined per macro resolver. Resolvers are system components that ensure the processing of macros. By adding fields into specific resolvers, you make them available for the functionality handled by that particular resolver.

You can register macro fields into resolvers:

Global registration 

Global registration makes the macro field available everywhere the particular resolver is used.

Register global fields during application startup:

  1. Create a custom module class.
  2. Override the module’s OnInit method.
  3. Obtain an instance of the register that corresponds to the macro resolver you want to extend (e.g., UIFormMacroSourceRegister for the resolver responsible for the UI forms of object types).

public class MacroFieldsRegistrationModule : Module

    // Contains initialization code that is executed when the application starts
    protected override void OnInit()

        // Gets an instance of UIFormMacroSourceRegister
        var macroRegister = UIFormMacroSourceRegister.Instance;

  1. Call RegisterMacroField on the macro register instance. The method takes a MacroField object which requires the following parameters:
    • name – used to access the field from within macro expressions. For example: {% MyMacroField %}
    • valueEvaluator – a lambda expression with the logic to execute when the field is evaluated. Must return a value supported by macro expressions (scalars, object types, collections based on IEnumerable).

protected override void OnInit()

    // Gets an instance of UIFormMacroSourceRegister
    var macroRegister = UIFormMacroSourceRegister.Instance;

    // Registers a new "DefaultAdministrator" macro field that returns a UserInfo object that corresponds to the default 'administrator' account
    macroRegister.RegisterMacroField(new MacroField("DefaultAdministrator", () => UserInfo.Provider.Get("administrator")));

The macro field is now registered and available everywhere the extended resolver is used.

Example usage

{% DefaultAdministrator.FirstName %}

UI page registration 

UI page-specific field registration makes macro fields available only for specific pages in the administration interface.

The registration is done using UI page extenders and the dedicated RegisterMacroField method.

  1. Create a new page extender and override the ConfigurePage method.
  2. Within the override, call RegisterMacroField. The method takes a MacroField object which requires the following parameters:
    • name – used to access the field from within macro expressions. For example: {% MyMacroField %}
    • valueEvaluator – a lambda expression with the logic to execute when the field is evaluated. Must return a value supported by macro expressions (scalars, object types, collections based on IEnumerable).

public override Task ConfigurePage()
    // Registers a new 'DefaultAdministrator' field that is only resolvable on the extended page
    Page.RegisterMacroField(new CMS.MacroEngine.MacroField("DefaultAdministrator", () => UserInfo.Provider.Get("administrator")));

    return base.ConfigurePage();

The macro field is now registered and available for fields on the given page in the administration.

Example usage

{% DefaultAdministrator.FirstName %}