Data collectors - Find contact personal data

Some data protection laws require all of a visitor’s tracked personal data to be gathered and delivered to them upon request. A data collector is necessary to implement such functionality in Xperience by Kentico.

Data collectors find other objects associated with a provided set of identities from the Identity collector. In this example, the identities are contacts, and the data collector will find accounts, consent agreements, form data, activities, and other auxiliary data associated with those contacts.

Data protection series - prerequisites

This article is part of a series that showcases how you can implement data protection features inXperience by Kentico.

If you wish to follow along, you can find the starting point in this repository. Instructions for setup are in the README file. In this case, we advise starting from the beginning of the Data protection series.

The example presented in this Data protection guide series represents a valid and complete implementation of data protection in Xperience by Kentico. You can simply copy-paste the code samples into your own solution.

However, if you choose to do so, make sure to consult your legal team to determine whether the implementation, texts, and consent levels meet the requirements of your region and market.

Create data writers

Based on whether data collection is requested through the Data portability or Right to access tab in the Xperience UI, it will invoke registered personal data collectors with the outputFormat parameter set to a constant string value, either PersonalDataFormat.HUMAN_READABLE or PersonalDataFormat.MACHINE_READABLE.

Data collectors are meant to output a string result.

While it is possible to include logic to print in different formats within the code that collects the data, separating it out into dedicated writer classes keeps the code clearer and less redundant.

Lay the groundwork

Before you define the first writer, create a class that represents a column that should be collected and displayed, as well as an interface that both writers will implement.

  1. In the TrainingGuides.Web/Features/DataProtection/Collectors folder, create a CollectedColumn class.

  2. Add properties to hold the display name and a code name.

  3. Define a constructor that takes both properties as parameters.

     namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;
     public class CollectedColumn
         public string Name { get; }
         public string DisplayName { get; }
         public CollectedColumn(string name, string displayName)
             Name = name;
             DisplayName = displayName;
  4. Create a Writers subfolder in ~/Features/DataProtection and add an interface that both the human and machine-readable writer classes can implement.

  5. Similar to the example in the documentation, add signatures for void methods that create beginning and ending sections and info objects.

  6. Create an additional method signature for writing values.

  7. Add a method signature for a string method that outputs the result of the writer’s operations.

     using CMS.DataEngine;
     using TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;
     namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Writers;
     public interface IPersonalDataWriter : IDisposable
         void WriteStartSection(string sectionName, string sectionDisplayName);
         void WriteBaseInfo(BaseInfo baseInfo, List<CollectedColumn> columns, Func<string, object, object> valueTransformationFunction = null);
         void WriteSectionValue(string sectionName, string sectionDisplayName, string value);
         void WriteEndSection();
         string GetResult();

Add a human-readable writer

  1. In the same folder, define a HumanReadablePersonalDataWriter that implements the IPersonalDataWriter interface.

  2. Define it similarly to the documentation example, utilizing a private string builder property.

  3. Add a method called WriteSectionValue that prints a key and value, ignoring the section name, which the machine-readable counterpart can utilize.

  4. Leave the Dispose method empty.

    You don’t need the method here, but it is important for the machine-readable data writer covered in the next step.


using CMS.Base;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;

namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Writers;

public class HumanReadablePersonalDataWriter : IPersonalDataWriter
    private readonly StringBuilder stringBuilder;
    private int indentationLevel;
    private bool ignoreNewLine;

    private static readonly string decimalPrecision = new('#', 26);
    private static readonly string decimalFormat = "{0:0.00" + decimalPrecision + "}";

    public CultureInfo Culture { get; set; } = new CultureInfo(SystemContext.SYSTEM_CULTURE_NAME);

    public HumanReadablePersonalDataWriter()
        stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        indentationLevel = 0;
        ignoreNewLine = false;

    public void WriteStartSection(string sectionName, string sectionDisplayName)
        ignoreNewLine = false;

        stringBuilder.AppendLine(sectionDisplayName + ": ");

    private void Indent() => stringBuilder.Append('\t', indentationLevel);

    public void WriteBaseInfo(BaseInfo baseInfo, List<CollectedColumn> columns,
        Func<string, object, object> valueTransformationFunction = null)
        if (baseInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(baseInfo));

        foreach (var column in columns)
            string columnName = column.Name;
            string columnDisplayName = column.DisplayName;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columnDisplayName) ||
                columnName.Equals(baseInfo.TypeInfo.IDColumn, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                columnName.Equals(baseInfo.TypeInfo.GUIDColumn, StringComparison.Ordinal))

            object value = baseInfo.GetValue(columnName);

            if (value == null)

            if (valueTransformationFunction != null)
                value = valueTransformationFunction(columnName, value);

            WriteKeyValue(columnDisplayName, value);

    public void WriteSectionValue(string sectionName, string sectionDisplayName, string value)

        stringBuilder.Append($"{sectionDisplayName}: {value}");

    private void WriteKeyValue(string keyName, object value)
        stringBuilder.Append($"{keyName}: ");

        string format = "{0}";

        if (value is decimal)
            format = decimalFormat;

        stringBuilder.AppendFormat(Culture, format, value);

        ignoreNewLine = true;

    public void WriteEndSection()

        if (ignoreNewLine)

        ignoreNewLine = true;

    public string GetResult() => stringBuilder.ToString();

    public void Dispose()

Create a machine-readable writer

Add an XML writer that closely mirrors the example in the documentation.

In this case, WriteSectionValue needs to use the sectionName property for the XML tags rather than the display name.


using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.Helpers;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;

namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Writers;

public class XmlPersonalDataWriter : IPersonalDataWriter
    private readonly StringBuilder stringBuilder;
    private readonly XmlWriter xmlWriter;

    public XmlPersonalDataWriter()
        stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringBuilder, new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, OmitXmlDeclaration = true });

    public void WriteStartSection(string sectionName, string sectionDisplayName) =>

    private string TransformElementName(string originalName) => originalName.Replace('.', '_');

    public void WriteBaseInfo(BaseInfo baseInfo, List<CollectedColumn> columns,
        Func<string, object, object> valueTransformationFunction = null)
        if (baseInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(baseInfo));

        foreach (var columnTuple in columns)
            string columnName = columnTuple.Name;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columnTuple.DisplayName))

            object value = baseInfo.GetValue(columnName);
            if (value == null)

            if (valueTransformationFunction != null)
                value = valueTransformationFunction(columnName, value);

            xmlWriter.WriteValue(XmlHelper.ConvertToString(value, value.GetType()));

    public void WriteSectionValue(string sectionName, string sectionDisplayName, string value)

    public void WriteEndSection() => xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();

    public string GetResult()

        return stringBuilder.ToString();

    public void Dispose() => xmlWriter.Dispose();

Prepare to collect forms

While many of the objects that need to be collected are relatively straightforward, containing a set of known columns, including a reference to the contact type, form submissions are more complicated.

The columns of forms are defined by editors in the Xperience administration interface. For this reason, there is no way to anticipate which columns the forms will consist of, and they cannot be explicitly referenced in code in advance.

You need logic to iterate through the forms on the website and determine if any of them have one or more email columns.

Create a class called FormDefinition in the DataProteciton/Collectors folder, which contains a list of email column names and a list of other columns to display.


namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;

public class FormDefinition
    public const string FORM_CONSENT_COLUMN_NAME = "Consent";
    public IEnumerable<string> EmailColumns { get; }
    public List<CollectedColumn> FormColumns { get; }

    public FormDefinition(List<string> emailColumns, List<CollectedColumn> formColumns)
        EmailColumns = emailColumns;
        FormColumns = formColumns;

When it comes to populating FormDefinition objects, another service class will be useful.

  1. In the ~/Features/DataProtection/Services folder of the TrainingGuides.Web project, add an IFormCollectionService interface and a FormCollectionService class that implements it.

    Remember to register the service with the dependency injection container in AddTrainingGuidesServices method inside TrainingGuides.Web/ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs.

     services.AddSingleton<IFormCollectionService, FormCollectionService>();
  2. Add a public method called GetForms, which retrieves all of the forms in the database and converts them to a Dictionary, with Guid objects as keys and of FormDefinition objects as values. Within this method, do the following:

    1. Find the DataClassInfo object associated with each form, and parse through the XML of the ClassFormDefinition and ClassContactMapping columns.

    2. Use this data to assemble a collection of email fields. For this example, target fields that are either mapped to the ContactEmail field or use the Kentico.EmailInput form component.

      In your projects, you can define other sets of conditions to broaden or narrow the search for matching email addresses.

    3. Make a separate collection of fields that are not email fields or ID fields.

    4. Use these two collections to assemble FormDefinition for the form and add it to the dictionary.

  3. Create another public method called GetBizFormItems to retrieve all form submissions associated with a contact. The method needs to do the following:

    1. Construct an ObjectQuery<BizFormItem> bizFormItems to retrieve all form submissions that meet one of the following conditions:
      1. The submission has an email field with one of the provided email addresses.
      2. The submission references one of the supplied ConsentAgreementInfo objects.
    2. Use a FormDefinition parameter to determine which email fields to check for the supplied addresses.
    3. Use a DataClassInfo object to determine items of which form to retrieve.

using System.Data;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.DataProtection;
using CMS.OnlineForms;
using TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;

namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Services;

public interface IFormCollectionService
    public Dictionary<Guid, FormDefinition> GetForms();
    public ObjectQuery<BizFormItem> GetBizFormItems(ICollection<string> emails, ObjectQuery<ConsentAgreementInfo> consentAgreementGuids, DataRow row, FormDefinition formDefinition);


using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.DataProtection;
using CMS.OnlineForms;
using System.Data;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;

namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Services;

public class FormCollectionService : IFormCollectionService
    private readonly IInfoProvider<BizFormInfo> bizFormInfoProvider;

    public FormCollectionService(IInfoProvider<BizFormInfo> bizFormInfoProvider)
        this.bizFormInfoProvider = bizFormInfoProvider;

    private bool IsField(XElement element) => element.Name.ToString() == "field";

    private bool UsesComponent(XElement fieldElement, string componentIdentifier)
        var matchingComponents = fieldElement
            .Where(desc => desc.Name == "componentidentifier" && desc.Value == componentIdentifier);
        return matchingComponents.Count() > 0;

    private bool IsInList(XElement fieldElement, IEnumerable<string> list) =>
        list.Contains(fieldElement.Attribute("column")?.Value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

    private bool IsNotInCollection(XElement fieldElement, IEnumerable<XElement> excludedFieldElements) =>

    private bool IsNotID(XElement fieldElement)
        string isPK = fieldElement.Attribute("isPK")?.Value;
        return !bool.Parse(isPK ?? "false");

    private string GetCaption(XElement fieldElement) =>
            .Where(desc => desc.Name == "fieldcaption")

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets infromation about all forms in the database, including which of the form's fields are email fields
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A <see cref="Dictionary{TKey, TValue}"/> mapping a form's <see cref="Guid"/> to a <see cref="FormDefinition"/>, which specifies the form's email fields and non-email fields.</returns>
    public Dictionary<Guid, FormDefinition> GetForms()
        var result = new Dictionary<Guid, FormDefinition>();
        var bizForms = bizFormInfoProvider.Get();
        foreach (var bizForm in bizForms)
            var dataClassInfo = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(bizForm.FormClassID);
            if (dataClassInfo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataClassInfo.ClassFormDefinition))

            IEnumerable<string> mappedEmailFields = new List<string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataClassInfo.ClassContactMapping))
                var contactMapping = XElement.Parse(dataClassInfo.ClassContactMapping);

                //gets lowercase names of fields mapped to contact email (there should be only one unless they mess with the database directly)
                mappedEmailFields = contactMapping?.Elements()
                .Where(child => child.Attribute("column")?.Value == "ContactEmail").Select(field => field.Attribute("mappedtofield")?.Value);

            var formDefinition = XElement.Parse(dataClassInfo.ClassFormDefinition);

            //gets all form fields which are either mapped to the ContactEmail colun, or which use the Kentico.EmailInput form control
            var emailFields = formDefinition?.Elements()
                .Where(child => IsField(child) && (IsInList(child, mappedEmailFields) || UsesComponent(child, "Kentico.EmailInput")));

            //gets the remaining fields
            var otherFields = formDefinition?.Elements()
                .Where(child => IsField(child) && IsNotInCollection(child, emailFields) && IsNotID(child));

                new FormDefinition(
                    emailFields.Select(element => element.Attribute("column")?.Value).ToList(),
                    otherFields.Select(element => new CollectedColumn(element.Attribute("column")?.Value, GetCaption(element))).ToList()
        return result;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets an object query for all bizform items with any of the supplied emails in any of its email columns, or with any of the supplied consent agreements
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="emails">The email addresses to look for</param>
    /// <param name="consentAgreementGuids">The guids of consents agreed to by the contact</param>
    /// <param name="row">a DataRow representing the DataClassInfo associated with the given form</param>
    /// <param name="formDefinition">The form definition of the supplied bizform</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="ObjectQuery"/>for all <see cref="BizFormItem"/> objects related to the provided contact through a consent agreement or email address</returns>
    public ObjectQuery<BizFormItem> GetBizFormItems(ICollection<string> emails, ObjectQuery<ConsentAgreementInfo> consentAgreementGuids, DataRow row, FormDefinition formDefinition)
        var formClass = new DataClassInfo(row);

        var bizFormItems = BizFormItemProvider.GetItems(formClass.ClassName);
        foreach (string column in formDefinition.EmailColumns)
            bizFormItems.Or().WhereIn(column, emails);

        var consentColumns = formDefinition.FormColumns
            .Where(column => column.Name
            .Contains(FormDefinition.FORM_CONSENT_COLUMN_NAME)).Select(column => column.Name);

        if (formClass.ClassFormDefinition.Contains(FormDefinition.FORM_CONSENT_COLUMN_NAME))
            foreach (string columnName in consentColumns)
                bizFormItems.Or().WhereIn(columnName, consentAgreementGuids);
        return bizFormItems;

Collect data

Gather the data

You have prepared what you need to gather form submissions. In the next steps, you will add the main collection logic to your project.

  1. In the TrainingGuides.Web/Features/DataProtection/Collectors folder, create a class called ContactDataCollectorCore.

    This class will hold all of the data collection logic, relying on the IPersonalDataWriter interface and separating the data collection code from the code that determines which writer to use.

  2. Define private variables to hold the data writer, lists of the relevant columns of all the classes to collect, and a dictionary of forms populated by the FormCollectionService from earlier.

  3. Add transformation methods to turn certain types of raw data references into a human-readable format.

  4. Populate the writer field from a parameter in the constructor.

  5. Define the CollectData method with a string return type, using the data writer to print details about all the object types.

    Consent objects may be more complicated than they appear at a glance. Aside from writing details about the consents themselves, you must find consent agreements (ConsentAgreementInfo) and consent archives (ConsentArchiveInfo) associated with each consent.


using System.Data;
using System.Xml;

using CMS.Activities;
using CMS.ContactManagement;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.DataProtection;
using CMS.Globalization;
using CMS.Helpers;
using CMS.OnlineForms;
using TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Services;
using TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Writers;

namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;

public class ContactDataCollectorCore
    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> contactInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("ContactFirstName", "First name"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactMiddleName", "Middle name"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactLastName", "Last name"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactJobTitle", "Job title"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactAddress1", "Address"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactCity", "City"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactZIP", "ZIP"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactStateID", ""),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactCountryID", ""),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactMobilePhone", "Mobile phone"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactBusinessPhone", "Business phone"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactEmail", "Email"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactBirthday", "Birthday"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactGender", "Gender"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactNotes", "Notes"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactGUID", "GUID"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactLastModified", "Last modified"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactCreated", "Created"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactCampaign", "Campaign"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactCompanyName", "Company name")

    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> consentAgreementInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("ConsentAgreementGuid", "GUID"),
        new CollectedColumn("ConsentAgreementRevoked", "Consent action"),
        new CollectedColumn("ConsentAgreementTime", "Performed on")

    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> consentInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("ConsentGUID", "GUID"),
        new CollectedColumn("ConsentDisplayName", "Consent name"),
        new CollectedColumn("ConsentContent", "Full text")

    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> consentArchiveInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("ConsentArchiveGUID", "GUID"),
        new CollectedColumn("ConsentArchiveContent", "Full text")

    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> activityInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("ActivityId", "ID"),
        new CollectedColumn("ActivityCreated", "Created"),
        new CollectedColumn("ActivityType", "Type"),
        new CollectedColumn("ActivityUrl", "URL"),
        new CollectedColumn("ActivityTitle", "Title"),
        new CollectedColumn("ActivityItemId", "")

    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> accountInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("AccountName", "Name"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountAddress1", "Address"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountAddress2", "Address 2"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountCity", "City"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountZip", "ZIP"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountWebSite", "Web site"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountEmail", "Email"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountPhone", "Phone"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountFax", "Fax"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountNotes", "Notes"),
        new CollectedColumn("AccountGUID", "GUID")

    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> countryInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("CountryDisplayName", "Country")

    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> stateInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("StateDisplayName", "State")

    private readonly List<CollectedColumn> contactGroupInfoColumns =
        new CollectedColumn("ContactGroupGUID", "GUID"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactGroupName", "Contact group name"),
        new CollectedColumn("ContactGroupDescription", "Contact group description")

    private readonly IPersonalDataWriter personalDataWriter;
    private readonly IFormCollectionService formCollectionService;
    private readonly Dictionary<Guid, FormDefinition> forms;

    public ContactDataCollectorCore(IPersonalDataWriter personalDataWriter, IFormCollectionService formCollectionService)
        this.personalDataWriter = personalDataWriter;
        this.formCollectionService = formCollectionService;

        forms = this.formCollectionService.GetForms();

    public string CollectData(IEnumerable<BaseInfo> identities)
        var contacts = identities.OfType<ContactInfo>().ToList();
        if (!contacts.Any())
            return null;

        var contactIDs = contacts.Select(c => c.ContactID).ToList();
        var contactEmails = contacts.Select(c => c.ContactEmail).ToList();

        var contactActivities = ActivityInfo.Provider.Get()
            .Columns(activityInfoColumns.Select(t => t.Name))
            .WhereIn("ActivityContactID", contactIDs).ToList();

        var contactContactGroups = contacts
            .SelectMany(c => c.ContactGroups)
            .GroupBy(c => c.ContactGroupID)
            .Select(group => group.First());

        personalDataWriter.WriteStartSection("OnlineMarketingData", "Online marketing data");

        string before = personalDataWriter.GetResult();

        WriteSubmittedFormsData(contactEmails, contactIDs);

        string after = personalDataWriter.GetResult();
        //return nothing if the previous methods did not find any data to write
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(after) || after.Equals(before))
            return null;


        return personalDataWriter.GetResult();

    private object TransformGenderValue(string columnName, object columnValue)
        if (columnName.Equals("ContactGender", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
            int? gender = columnValue as int?;
            return gender switch
                1 => "male",
                2 => "female",
                _ => "undefined",

        return columnValue;

    private object TransformConsentText(string columnName, object columnValue)
        if (columnName.Equals("ConsentContent", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
            columnName.Equals("ConsentArchiveContent", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
            var consentXml = new XmlDocument();
            consentXml.LoadXml((columnValue as string) ?? string.Empty);

            var xmlNode =

            string result = HTMLHelper.StripTags(xmlNode?.InnerText);

            return result;

        return columnValue;

    private object TransformConsentAction(string columnName, object columnValue)
        if (columnName.Equals("ConsentAgreementRevoked", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
            bool revoked = (bool)columnValue;

            return revoked ? "Revoked" : "Agreed";

        return columnValue;

    private void WriteContacts(IEnumerable<ContactInfo> contacts)
        foreach (var contactInfo in contacts.Where(contact => contact.ContactID > 0))
            personalDataWriter.WriteStartSection(ContactInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, "Contact");
            personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(contactInfo, contactInfoColumns, TransformGenderValue);

            int countryId = contactInfo.ContactCountryID;
            int stateId = contactInfo.ContactStateID;

            if (countryId != 0)
                personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(CountryInfo.Provider.Get(countryId), countryInfoColumns);

            if (stateId != 0)
                personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(StateInfo.Provider.Get(stateId), stateInfoColumns);


    private void WriteConsents(ICollection<int> contactIDs)
        DataSet consentsData = ConsentAgreementInfo.Provider.Get()
            .Source(s => s.Join<ConsentInfo>("CMS_ConsentAgreement.ConsentAgreementConsentID", "ConsentID"))
            .Source(s =>
            .WhereIn("ConsentAgreementContactID", contactIDs)

        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(consentsData))
        var consents = new Dictionary<int, ConsentInfo>();
        var consentRevocations = new Dictionary<int, List<ConsentAgreementInfo>>();

        var consentContentArchives = new Dictionary<string, ConsentArchiveInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        var consentContentAgreements =
            new Dictionary<string, List<ConsentAgreementInfo>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

        foreach (var row in consentsData.Tables[0].AsEnumerable())
            var consentAgreementInfo = new ConsentAgreementInfo(row);

            if (!consents.TryGetValue(consentAgreementInfo.ConsentAgreementConsentID, out var consentInfo))
                consentInfo = new ConsentInfo(row);
                consents.Add(consentAgreementInfo.ConsentAgreementConsentID, consentInfo);

            if (consentAgreementInfo.ConsentAgreementRevoked)
                var revocationsOfSameConsent = GetRevocationsOfSameConsent(consentRevocations,
                var agreementsOfSameConsentContent = GetAgreementsOfSameConsentContent(consentContentAgreements,

                if (IsAgreementOfDifferentConsentContent(consentAgreementInfo, consentInfo) &&
                        new ConsentArchiveInfo(row));

        WriteConsents(consents, consentContentArchives, consentContentAgreements, consentRevocations);

    private static List<ConsentAgreementInfo> GetRevocationsOfSameConsent(
        Dictionary<int, List<ConsentAgreementInfo>> consentRevocations, int consentId)
        if (!consentRevocations.TryGetValue(consentId, out var revocationsOfSameConsent))
            revocationsOfSameConsent = [];
            consentRevocations.Add(consentId, revocationsOfSameConsent);

        return revocationsOfSameConsent;

    private static List<ConsentAgreementInfo> GetAgreementsOfSameConsentContent(
        Dictionary<string, List<ConsentAgreementInfo>> consentContentAgreements, string consentHash)
        if (!consentContentAgreements.TryGetValue(consentHash, out var agreementsOfSameConsent))
            agreementsOfSameConsent = [];
            consentContentAgreements.Add(consentHash, agreementsOfSameConsent);

        return agreementsOfSameConsent;

    private static bool IsAgreementOfDifferentConsentContent(ConsentAgreementInfo consentAgreementInfo,
        ConsentInfo consentInfo) => consentAgreementInfo.ConsentAgreementConsentHash != consentInfo.ConsentHash;

    private void WriteConsents(Dictionary<int, ConsentInfo> consents,
        Dictionary<string, ConsentArchiveInfo> consentContentArchives,
        Dictionary<string, List<ConsentAgreementInfo>> consentContentAgreements,
        Dictionary<int, List<ConsentAgreementInfo>> consentRevocations)
        foreach (var agreementsOfSameConsentContent in consentContentAgreements.Values)
            var consentAgreement = agreementsOfSameConsentContent.First();
            var consentInfo = consents[consentAgreement.ConsentAgreementConsentID];

            consentContentArchives.TryGetValue(consentAgreement.ConsentAgreementConsentHash, out var consentArchiveInfo);
            consentRevocations.TryGetValue(consentAgreement.ConsentAgreementConsentID, out var revocationsOfSameConsent);

            WriteConsent(consentInfo, consentArchiveInfo, agreementsOfSameConsentContent, revocationsOfSameConsent);

    private void WriteConsent(ConsentInfo consentInfo, ConsentArchiveInfo consentArchiveInfo,
        IEnumerable<ConsentAgreementInfo> consentAgreements,
        IEnumerable<ConsentAgreementInfo> consentRevocations)
        personalDataWriter.WriteStartSection(ConsentInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, "Consent");

        var agreedConsentLastModified =
            consentArchiveInfo?.ConsentArchiveLastModified ?? consentInfo.ConsentLastModified;

        WriteConsentContent(consentInfo, consentArchiveInfo);
        WriteConsentRevocations(consentRevocations?.Where(cr => cr.ConsentAgreementTime > agreedConsentLastModified));


    private void WriteConsentContent(ConsentInfo consentInfo, ConsentArchiveInfo consentArchiveInfo)
        if (consentArchiveInfo == null)
            personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(consentInfo, consentInfoColumns, TransformConsentText);
            personalDataWriter.WriteSectionValue("ConsentDisplayName", "Consent name", consentInfo.ConsentDisplayName);
            personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(consentArchiveInfo, consentArchiveInfoColumns, TransformConsentText);

    private void WriteConsentAgreements(IEnumerable<ConsentAgreementInfo> consentAgreements)
        foreach (var consentAgreement in consentAgreements)
            personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(consentAgreement, consentAgreementInfoColumns, TransformConsentAction);

    private void WriteConsentRevocations(IEnumerable<ConsentAgreementInfo> consentRevocations)
        if (consentRevocations == null)

        foreach (var consentRevocation in consentRevocations)
            personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(consentRevocation, consentAgreementInfoColumns, TransformConsentAction);

    private void WriteContactActivities(IEnumerable<ActivityInfo> contactActivities)
        foreach (var contactActivityInfo in contactActivities)
            personalDataWriter.WriteStartSection(ActivityInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, "Activity");
            personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(contactActivityInfo, activityInfoColumns);

    private void WriteContactAccounts(ICollection<int> contactIDs)
        var accountIDs = AccountContactInfo.Provider.Get()
            .WhereIn("ContactID", contactIDs)
        var accountInfos = AccountInfo.Provider.Get()
            .Columns(accountInfoColumns.Select(t => t.Name))
            .WhereIn("AccountID", accountIDs)

        var countryInfos = CountryInfo.Provider.Get()
            .WhereIn("CountryID", accountInfos.Select(r => r.AccountCountryID).ToList())
            .ToDictionary(ci => ci.CountryID);
        var stateInfos = StateInfo.Provider.Get()
            .WhereIn("StateID", accountInfos.Select(r => r.AccountStateID).ToList())
            .ToDictionary(si => si.StateID);

        foreach (var accountInfo in accountInfos)
            countryInfos.TryGetValue(accountInfo.AccountCountryID, out var countryInfo);
            stateInfos.TryGetValue(accountInfo.AccountStateID, out var stateInfo);

            personalDataWriter.WriteStartSection(AccountInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, "Account");

            personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(accountInfo, accountInfoColumns);

            if (countryInfo != null)
                personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(countryInfo, countryInfoColumns);

            if (stateInfo != null)
                personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(stateInfo, stateInfoColumns);


    private void WriteContactGroups(IEnumerable<ContactGroupInfo> contactContactGroups)
        foreach (var contactGroupInfo in contactContactGroups)
            personalDataWriter.WriteStartSection(ContactGroupInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, "Contact group");
            personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(contactGroupInfo, contactGroupInfoColumns);

    private void WriteSubmittedFormsData(ICollection<string> emails, ICollection<int> contactIDs)
        var consentAgreementGuids = ConsentAgreementInfo.Provider.Get()
            .WhereIn("ConsentAgreementContactID", contactIDs);

        var formClasses = BizFormInfo.Provider.Get()
            .Source(s => s.InnerJoin<DataClassInfo>("CMS_Form.FormClassID", "ClassID"))
            .WhereIn("FormGUID", forms.Keys);

        formClasses.ForEachRow(row =>
            var bizForm = new BizFormInfo(row);
            var formDefinition = forms[bizForm.FormGUID];

            var bizFormItems = formCollectionService.GetBizFormItems(emails, consentAgreementGuids, row, formDefinition);

            foreach (var bizFormItem in bizFormItems)
                personalDataWriter.WriteStartSection("SubmittedForm", "Submitted form");

                personalDataWriter.WriteSectionValue("FormDisplayName", "Form display name", bizForm.FormDisplayName);
                personalDataWriter.WriteSectionValue("FormGUID", "Form GUID", bizForm.FormGUID.ToString());
                personalDataWriter.WriteBaseInfo(bizFormItem, formDefinition.FormColumns);


Implement the collector

The ContactDataCollectorCore handles all the heavy lifting, which means that the IPersonalDataCollector implementation can be relatively small.

  1. Define the ContactDataCollector class in the DataProtection folder.
  2. Determine the correct DataWriter to use based on the outputFomat parameter provided to the Collect method by Xperience, and use it to instantiate a DataCollectorCore object.

using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.DataProtection;
using TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Writers;

namespace TrainingGuides.Web.Features.DataProtection.Collectors;

public class ContactDataCollector : IPersonalDataCollector
    private readonly IServiceProvider serviceProvider;

    public ContactDataCollector(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

    public PersonalDataCollectorResult Collect(IEnumerable<BaseInfo> identities, string outputFormat)
        using var personalDataWriter = CreateWriter(outputFormat);

        var dataCollector = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<ContactDataCollectorCore>(serviceProvider, personalDataWriter);

        return new PersonalDataCollectorResult
            Text = dataCollector.CollectData(identities)

    private IPersonalDataWriter CreateWriter(string outputFormat) =>
        outputFormat.ToLowerInvariant() switch
            PersonalDataFormat.MACHINE_READABLE => new XmlPersonalDataWriter(),
            _ => new HumanReadablePersonalDataWriter()

Register the Data collector

Register the data collector so that it is called by the system on the Right to access and Data portability tabs of the Data protection application in Xperience.

  • Add the following line to the OnInit method of the DataProtectionRegistrationModule class.

    This code can be placed anywhere within the scope of the method, though it may be best to put it after the existing code from the previous guide in order to mirror the order in which the collectors are called.

      // Adds the ContactDataCollector to the collection of registered personal data collectors

Now, the system will use this data collector on the Data portability and Right to access tabs of the Data protection application in the Configuration section of the Xperience administration interface.

If you search the email address of an existing contact on one of these tabs, Xperience will use this data collector, in conjunction with the identity collector from the previous guide, to retrieve data associated with that contact. See an example in the following video:

What’s next?

The next guide in this series will cover the process of creating a Data eraser for removing visitors’ personal data from the site.