Settings - Facebook

This section contains settings related to Facebook features integrated into Kentico, which includes Facebook authentication and displaying of Facebook content via web parts.

If you want to post to Facebook from Kentico, you do not need to configure these settings. Instead, follow the procedure in Connecting Kentico to social media and Adding social media accounts.

We recommend that you configure these settings for individual sites separately. Configuring these settings on a global level could cause problems if you have multiple sites and each of the sites has a different associated Facebook page and Facebook App.

Facebook app

App ID

A numeric ID of your Facebook App. You can find your App ID on the Facebook App editing page.

App secret

The key used to authenticate Kentico against the Facebook App. You can find your App secret on the Facebook App editing page.

Login with Facebook

Enable login with Facebook

Enable if you want your website users to log in with their Facebook account. See Facebook authentication for more information.

Assign Facebook members to roles

When a new user logs in using Facebook, the system assigns the user to the roles entered here.

Update users

Allows you to load information from the user’s Facebook profile and store it with the user’s record in Kentico. This feature only works when users log in using their Facebook accounts.

  • Never – disables this feature. User information that has been already downloaded stays in the system.
  • When they log in for the first time – downloads the user information only once, when they log in for the first time.
  • Every time they log in – updates the user information every time they log in.

User profile mapping

Determines how Kentico user fields match with Facebook profile fields.