Customizing tax calculation

The Kentico E-commerce Solution enables you to modify how the system calculates taxes. For example, you can:

  • Integrate 3rd-party tax calculation services
  • Create custom tax application rules according to your needs
  • Customize how the system gets tax rates for countries and states
  • Create custom logic for exempting users from taxes
  • Customize how taxes affect prices displayed in product catalogs on the live site

To customize the Kentico tax functionality:

  1. Open your Kentico project in Visual Studio.

  2. Create new classes that implement one or more of the tax customization interfaces (described below).

    Class location

    For production sites, we recommend creating a new assembly (Class Library project) in your Kentico solution and including the classes there. Then, add the appropriate references to both the assembly and the main Kentico web project. For more information, see Best practices for customization.

  3. Implement all methods required by the given interfaces.

  4. Register your implementations of the interfaces using the RegisterImplementation assembly attribute (or use a Factory class to serve instances dynamically in certain cases).

When you reload the website, the system uses the custom implementations that you registered instead of the default tax functionality.

Tax customization interfaces

All mentioned interfaces can be found in the CMS.Ecommerce namespace.

Tax calculation

The system uses tax calculation to get exact tax numbers in the checkout process (shopping carts, orders). A slight delay is acceptable when producing tax calculation results, so implementations using external tax calculation services are suitable.

  • ITaxCalculationService
  • ITaxCalculationServiceFactory – serves a separate instance of a class implementing ITaxCalculationService for each site. Must be implemented to use custom ITaxCalculationService implementations.

Implementations of ITaxCalculationService must contain the CalculateTaxes method. Calculate the taxes using the data from the method’s TaxCalculationRequest parameter, which provides the following properties:

  • Items – a list of TaxItem objects representing all purchased items (each TaxItem provides the SKUInfo representation, quantity and total price).
  • ShippingPrice – the price of the selected shipping option without tax.
  • Shipping – ShippingOptionInfo representation of the selected shipping option.
  • TaxParameters – a container providing the customer (CustomerInfo), currency, date of purchase, shipping/billing address, and identifier of the site for which the taxes are calculated.
  • Discount – the total value of all order discounts applied to the shopping cart or order (as a calculated decimal amount, not a percentage). Other types of discounts are included in the price of individual TaxItem objects.

The CalculateTaxes method must return a TaxCalculationResult object that contains:

  • The final tax amount in the TotalTax property

    Important – Hotfix 11.0.39

    Certain payment gateways (e.g. PayPal) require separate tax values for the purchased items and the shipping costs, instead of a single overall tax value. After applying hotfix 11.0.39 or newer, the setter of the TotalTax property no longer works. Instead, you need to set the following properties of the TaxCalculationResult object:

    • ItemsTax – the final tax amount for all purchased items
    • ShippingTax – the final tax amount calculated for the shipping costs (if the shipping costs are not zero)
  • A collection of tax name and value pairs providing details about the applied taxes in the Summary property (for example, provides data for tax summaries in invoices)

See: Example - Using an external service to calculate taxes

Note: The default implementation in Kentico is the same for both tax calculation and tax estimation (see below).

Tax estimation

The system uses tax estimation to get taxes in product catalogs (for example when showing what portion of a product’s price is tax) and in shipping option selectors. Implementations should produce results quickly – external tax calculation services are not recommended for the purpose of estimation.

  • ITaxEstimationService – implementations must contain the following methods:
    • GetTax – returns a tax value (decimal) for a specified price, tax class (taxation type) and TaxEstimationParameters (address and currency).
    • ExtractTax – returns a tax value (decimal) for a price that already includes tax, based on a specified price, tax class (taxation type) and TaxEstimationParameters (address, currency, identifier of the site for which the taxes are estimated). By default, this method is used for sites that have the Prices include tax setting enabled.

Taxes in catalog prices

By default, the system displays prices in catalogs on the live site in the same way that price values are entered for products (with or without tax, depending on the site’s Prices include tax setting).

You can customize how taxes affect catalog prices if the default options do not fulfill the needs of your store. For example, you can enter and store product prices without tax, but customize the system to display prices including tax on the live site.

  • ICatalogTaxCalculator – implementations must contain the ApplyTax method, which processes a specified product and price based on tax parameters.

    • The supplied tax parameters contain the customer (CustomerInfo), currency, date of purchase, shipping/billing address, and identifier of the site for which the taxes are calculated.
    • The ApplyTax method must return the price that will be displayed in live site catalogs and set the applied tax value into an out parameter.
  • ICatalogTaxCalculatorFactory – serves a separate instance of a class implementing ICatalogTaxCalculator for each site. Must be implemented to use custom ICatalogTaxCalculator implementations.

Custom implementations of the catalog tax calculator only impact the prices of products displayed on the live site (when using the appropriate e-commerce transformation methods). This type of customization does not affect the calculation of total prices during the checkout process.

See: Example - Adjusting catalog prices based on taxes

Address used in tax calculations

You can customize how the system gets the address used in tax calculations. For example, this type of customization allows you to determine whether the system calculates taxes based on the billing or shipping address (or another custom address). Note that this type of customization overrides the system’s Apply taxes based on setting.

  • ITaxAddressService – implementations must contain the GetTaxAddress method, which returns an address for tax calculation based on a specified billing address, shipping address, tax class (taxation type) and customer.
  • ITaxAddressServiceFactory – serves a separate instance of a class implementing ITaxAddressService for each site. Must be implemented to use custom ITaxAddressService implementations.

Tax type per product or shipping option

You can customize how the system retrieves Tax classes for products or shipping options if you do not wish to assign the tax classes manually in the administration interface (or if you wish to override the tax class assignments in a custom way).

  • ITaxClassService – implementations must contain two overloads of the GetTaxClass method, which return a tax class object (taxation type) for a specified product or shipping option.

Tax rates per country or state

If you do not wish to use the default configuration options of Tax classes, you can customize how the system loads tax rate values for countries and states.

  • ICountryStateTaxRateSource – implementations must contain the GetRate method, which returns a tax rate for a specified tax class (taxation type), country and state.

Tax exemptions for customers

You can customize the system to create tax exemptions for certain types of customers.

Default tax exemptions

By default, customers who have a Tax registration ID specified in their Company details are exempt from Tax classes with the Zero tax if tax ID is specified property enabled.

Registering a custom ICustomerTaxClassService implementation overrides the default tax exemption.

  • ICustomerTaxClassService – implementations must contain the GetTaxClass method, which determines whether taxes apply to a specified customer.

See: Example - Create tax exemptions for customers

Example – Using an external service to calculate taxes

The following example demonstrates how to customize the system to integrate with a 3rd-party tax calculation service. In this case, the tax values are calculated manually within the custom code, but you can replace the basic calculations with calls to the API of a dedicated tax calculation service.

Prepare a separate project for custom classes in your Kentico solution:

  1. Open your Kentico solution in Visual Studio.

  2. Create a new Class Library project in the Kentico solution (or reuse an existing custom project).

  3. Add references to the required Kentico libraries (DLLs) for the new project:

    1. Right-click the project and select Add -> Reference.

    2. Select the Browse tab of the Reference manager dialog, click Browse and navigate to the Lib folder of your Kentico web project.

    3. Add references to the following libraries (and any others that you may need in your custom code):

      • CMS.Base.dll
      • CMS.Core.dll
      • CMS.DataEngine.dll
      • CMS.Ecommerce.dll
      • CMS.Globalization.dll
      • CMS.Helpers.dll
      • CMS.Membership.dll
  4. Reference the custom project from the Kentico web project (CMSApp or CMS).

  5. Edit the custom project’s AssemblyInfo.cs file (in the Properties folder).

  6. Add the AssemblyDiscoverable assembly attribute:

     using CMS;

Continue by creating custom implementations of the ITaxCalculationService and ITaxCalculationServiceFactory interfaces:

  1. Add a new class under the custom project, implementing the ITaxCalculationService interface.


    The following example works for projects with hotfix 11.0.39 or newer applied. On older versions, you need to set the TotalTax property of the TaxCaclulationResult object (instead of the newer ItemsTax and ShippingTax).

     using System.Linq;
     using CMS.Ecommerce;
     using CMS.Globalization;
     public class CustomTaxCalculationService : ITaxCalculationService
         /// <summary>
         /// Calculates all taxes for a given purchase.
         /// </summary>
         public TaxCalculationResult CalculateTaxes(TaxCalculationRequest taxRequest)
             var result = new TaxCalculationResult();
             // Sums up the total price of all purchased items
             decimal itemsTotal = taxRequest.Items.Sum(item => item.Price);
             // Subtracts the overall order discount value from the total price
             itemsTotal = itemsTotal - taxRequest.Discount;
             // Calculates the tax for the purchased items
             // The example only provides a very basic "calculation" based on the country in the billing address
             // You can use any type of custom calculation, e.g. call the API of a 3rd-party tax calculation service that returns the calculated taxes
             result.ItemsTax = CalculateCustomTax(itemsTotal, taxRequest.TaxParameters.BillingAddress);
             // Adds the tax value to the returned tax summary
             // The name parameter describes the type of the applied tax (may be returned by the external tax calculation service)
             // Taxes added under the same name via the 'Sum' method are automatically summed up into the existing tax summary item
             result.Summary.Sum("Custom tax", result.ItemsTax);
             // Adds a basic shipping tax based on the shipping price
             decimal shippingTaxRate = 0.15m;
             result.ShippingTax = taxRequest.ShippingPrice * shippingTaxRate;        
             result.Summary.Sum("Custom shipping tax", result.ShippingTax);
             return result;
         /// <summary>
         /// Calculates the tax for a specified price. Replace this method with any type of custom calculation.
         /// </summary>
         private decimal CalculateCustomTax(decimal price, IAddress billingAddress)
             // Gets a base tax rate, with a different value if the billing address is in the USA
             decimal taxRate = 0.15m;
             if ((billingAddress != null))
                 // Gets the 3-letter country code of the country in the billing address
                 var country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo(billingAddress.AddressCountryID);
                 string countryCode = country?.CountryThreeLetterCode;
                 if (countryCode == "USA")
                     taxRate = 0.1m;
             return (price * taxRate);
  2. Add a new class under the custom project, implementing the ITaxCalculationServiceFactory interface.

     using CMS;
     using CMS.Ecommerce;
     // Registers the custom implementation of ITaxCalculationServiceFactory
     [assembly: RegisterImplementation(typeof(ITaxCalculationServiceFactory), typeof(CustomTaxCalculationServiceFactory))]
     public class CustomTaxCalculationServiceFactory : ITaxCalculationServiceFactory
         // Provides an instance of the custom tax calculation service
         public ITaxCalculationService GetTaxCalculationService(int siteId)
             // This basic sample does not parameterize the tax calculation service based on the current site
             // Use the method's 'siteId' parameter if you need different tax calculation logic for each site
             return new CustomTaxCalculationService();
  3. Save all changes and Build the custom project.

The registered CustomTaxCalculationServiceFactory class provides an instance of CustomTaxCalculationService. The tax calculation in all shopping carts (and orders) now uses the custom logic. The customizations do not affect tax estimations in product catalogs.

Example – Creating tax exemptions for customers

The following example demonstrates how to create a customization that adds tax exemptions for certain types of customers.

  1. Recreate or reuse the custom project from the custom tax calculation example.
  2. Create a new class under the custom project, implementing the ICustomerTaxClassService interface.
  3. Save all changes and Build the custom project.

using CMS;
using CMS.Ecommerce;

// Registers the custom implementation of ICustomerTaxClassService
[assembly: RegisterImplementation(typeof(ICustomerTaxClassService), typeof(CustomCustomerTaxClassService))]

public class CustomCustomerTaxClassService : ICustomerTaxClassService
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a CustomerTaxClass object for the specified customer to determine whether they are subject to tax.
    /// The default value is CustomerTaxClass.Taxable.
    /// </summary>
    public CustomerTaxClass GetTaxClass(CustomerInfo customer)
        // Creates a tax exemption for customers who have a value filled in within one of the 'Company details' fields
        if ((customer != null) && (customer.CustomerHasCompanyInfo))
            return CustomerTaxClass.Exempt;
            // All other customers are subject to tax
            return CustomerTaxClass.Taxable;

Example – Adjusting catalog prices based on taxes

The following example demonstrates how to customize the system to store product prices without tax, but display prices on the live site with tax already included.

The example assumes that your site is configured to not include tax in prices:

  1. Open the Store configuration or Multistore configuration application in the Kentico administration interface.
  2. Navigate to the Store settings -> General tab.
  3. In the Taxes section, make sure that:
    • you have a Default country set (and that your tax classes have values assigned for the given country)
    • the Prices include tax setting is disabled
  4. Click Save if necessary.

Continue by creating custom implementations of the ICatalogTaxCalculator and ICatalogTaxCalculatorFactory interfaces:

  1. Open your Kentico solution in Visual Studio.

  2. Recreate or reuse the custom project from the custom tax calculation example.

  3. Add a new class under the custom project, implementing the ICatalogTaxCalculator interface.

     using CMS.Ecommerce;
     public class CustomCatalogTaxCalculator : ICatalogTaxCalculator
         private readonly ITaxEstimationService estimationService;
         private readonly ITaxClassService taxClassService;
         private readonly ITaxAddressService addressService;
         /// <summary>
         /// The constructor parameters accept instances of tax-related services from CustomCatalogTaxCalculatorFactory.
         /// The services are used to get the appropriate tax values before applying the catalog customizations.
         /// </summary>
         public CustomCatalogTaxCalculator(ITaxEstimationService estimationService, ITaxClassService taxClassService, ITaxAddressService addressService)
             this.estimationService = estimationService;
             this.taxClassService = taxClassService;
             this.addressService = addressService;
         /// <summary>
         /// Processes a specified product and price, makes any required adjustments based on taxes, 
         /// and returns the price value to be displayed in live site catalogs.
         /// The applied tax value must be returned using the 'tax' out parameter.
         /// The customization assumes that prices are without tax (i.e. the 'Prices include tax' setting is false).
         /// </summary>
         public decimal ApplyTax(SKUInfo sku, decimal price, TaxCalculationParameters parameters, out decimal tax)
             tax = 0;
             // Gets the tax class (taxation type) assigned to the product
             TaxClassInfo taxClass = taxClassService.GetTaxClass(sku);
             if (taxClass != null)
                 // Uses the registered ITaxAddressService implementation to get the appropriate address for the tax calculation
                 IAddress address = addressService.GetTaxAddress(parameters.BillingAddress, parameters.ShippingAddress, taxClass, parameters.Customer);
                 // Uses the registered ITaxEstimationService implementation to get the tax value
                 var estimationParams = new TaxEstimationParameters
                     Currency = parameters.Currency,
                     Address = address,
                     SiteID = parameters.SiteID
                 tax = estimationService.GetTax(price, taxClass, estimationParams);
             // Returns the price to be displayed in live site catalog, with the tax value added
             return price + tax;
  4. Add a new class under the custom project, implementing the ICatalogTaxCalculatorFactory interface.

     using CMS;
     using CMS.Ecommerce;
     // Registers the custom implementation of ICatalogTaxCalculatorFactory
     [assembly: RegisterImplementation(typeof(ICatalogTaxCalculatorFactory), typeof(CustomCatalogTaxCalculatorFactory))]
     public class CustomCatalogTaxCalculatorFactory : ICatalogTaxCalculatorFactory
         private readonly ITaxEstimationService estimationService;
         private readonly ITaxClassService taxClassService;
         private readonly ITaxAddressServiceFactory addressServiceFactory;
         /// <summary>
         /// Constructor.
         /// The system automatically supplies instances of the ITaxEstimationService, ITaxClassService and ITaxAddressServiceFactory implementations.
         /// </summary>
         public CustomCatalogTaxCalculatorFactory(ITaxEstimationService estimationService, ITaxClassService taxClassService, ITaxAddressServiceFactory addressServiceFactory)
             this.estimationService = estimationService;
             this.taxClassService = taxClassService;
             this.addressServiceFactory = addressServiceFactory;
         // Provides an instance of the custom catalog tax calculator
         public ICatalogTaxCalculator GetCalculator(int siteId)
             // This basic sample does not parameterize the tax calculation service based on the current site
             // Use the method's 'siteId' parameter if you need different tax calculation logic for each site
             return new CustomCatalogTaxCalculator(estimationService, taxClassService, addressServiceFactory.GetTaxAddressService(siteId));
  5. Save all changes and Build the custom project.

The registered CustomCatalogTaxCalculatorFactory class provides an instance of CustomCatalogTaxCalculator and prepares instances of services needed to get the tax values. The customized catalog tax calculator ensures that tax values are added to product prices displayed on the live site (when using the appropriate e-commerce transformation methods). The customization does not affect the calculation of total prices during the checkout process.