Settings - Content

Page not found

Page not found for non-published pages

If checked, pages that are not published return a Page not found error (404) if they are viewed on the live site.

Page not found URL

Specifies a custom page that will be displayed to users who encounter a Page not found error (404 HTTP status code). It can either be a physical aspx file in the web project or a dedicated page created in the site’s content tree.

In both cases, you need to enter the URL of the page, for example:



The advantage of using a page for this purpose is that you can leverage all features of the portal engine. For instance, you can translate the page not found page on a multilingual website and the system will automatically display the appropriate culture version according to the currently selected language.

Log page not found exception

If enabled, the system logs Page not found (404) http errors in the Event log application. You can recognize the errors by the “PAGENOTFOUND” event code.


Default content culture

Used to select which culture should be the default language option of the website’s content.

Combine with default culture

Indicates if the default culture version of pages should be offered for pages that are not available in the currently selected language.

Combine files with default culture

Indicates if the default culture version of files should be used for untranslated file pages.

Web site content

Default alias path

Alias path of the website’s default page.


Page key words prefix

Specifies a prefix for all page keywords on the website.

Page description prefix

Specifies a prefix for all page description on the website.

Page title format

Specifies the page title format.

Example: {%prefix%} - {%pagetitle_orelse_name%}

Page title prefix

Page title prefix used for all pages. Replaces the {% prefix %} macro in the page title format.

Control element

Specifies the element that should be used instead of the standard <span> element. Currently, the only options are span or div.


Favicon file path

Specifies path to the favicon file. You can type the path manually or select the file by using the Select file dialog. The supported image formats for the favicon files are ico, svg, png, and *gif**.*

To ensure correct import and export functionality, we recommend saving the favicon files in the following locations:

  • Site favicon – ~/<SiteCodeName>/
  • Global favicon  – ~/CMSGlobalFiles/

You need to create the folders manually. If you store site files on the file system, the <SiteCodeName> folder is created automatically. For more details, see Export folder structure.