Reference - Activity types

Kentico EMS required

Features described on this page require the Kentico EMS license.

By default, you can track the following types of activities for contacts:

Activity type

Logged when

Abuse report

Visitors submit an Abuse report.

Accept initiated chat request

Visitors accept a chat request initiated by website personnel.

Blog comment

Visitors comment on a blog post.

Blog post subscription

Visitors subscribe to blog post comments.

Chat request support

Visitors request real time support via chat.

Chat request support using offline form

Visitors submit a support request via e-mail (this option is available when no one from the chat support staff is on‑line).

Clicked email campaign link

Subscribers click a tracked link in a email campaign.

Content rating

Visitors rate content (see Content rating).

Customer registration

Customers register during the checkout process.

Event booking

Visitors sign up for an event using the Booking system.

External search

Visitors arrive on the website after searching on a search engine, such as Google.

Form submission

Visitors submit an on-line form.

Forum post

Visitors post on a forum.

Forum post subscription

Visitors subscribe to a forum post.

Internal search

Visitors search for text using the on-site search.

Joining a group

Users join a community group or a workgroup (see Groups).

Landing page

Visitors arrive on the website for the first time on a specific page.

Leaving a group

Users leave a community group or a workgroup.

Message board comment

Visitors post a comment on a message board.

Message board subscription

Visitors subscribe to a message board.

Newsletter subscription

Visitors subscribe to a newsletter.

Newsletter unsubscription

Users unsubscribe from a newsletter.

Opened campaign email

Subscribers open a tracked campaign email.

Page visit

Visitors view a page.

Poll voting

Visitors vote in a poll.

Product added to shopping cart

Visitors add a product to the shopping cart.

Product added to wishlist

Visitors add a product to their wishlist.

Product removed from shopping cart

Visitors remove a product from the shopping cart.


Customers make a purchase.

Purchased product

Customers buy a specific product.

User contribution - content created

Users create new content via user contributions (Wiki).

User contribution - content deleted

Users delete content via user contributions.

User contribution - content updated

Users update content via user contribution.

User login

Visitors log in to a site.

User registration

Visitors register as a member of a site.