Editing images

Kentico comes with a built-in image editor, in which you can perform operations you may be used to doing in image editing tools. Using the image editor, you can modify images and pictures that are already in the system without moving them into a different application and inserting them back into Kentico.

The image editor allows you to perform the following actions:

When editing images, you can always Undo and Redo your changes using buttons at the bottom left side of the editor.

Resizing images

  1. Navigate to the image that you want to resize. 
    1. See where images can be stored.
  2. Edit () the image. The image editor opens.
  3. To the left of the image, click on Resize.
  4. You can resize the image in two ways:
    1. By percentage - enter the new size of the image as percentage related to its original size.
    2. By absolute size - enter the Width and Height of the image in pixels. You can turn the Maintain aspect ratio check-box off if you don’t want to keep the original ratio of the image—note that this may distort the image and make it look unnatural.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save & Close.

The system saves the modified version of the image. 

Rotating images

  1. Navigate to the image that you want to rotate. 

    1. See where images can be stored.
  2. Edit () the image. The image editor opens.

  3. To the left of the image, click on Rotation.

  4. You can rotate the image in the following ways:

    1. Rotate 90° left
    2. Rotate 90° right
    3. Flip horizontally
    4. Flip vertically
  5. Save & Close.

The system saves the modified version of the image. 

Converting images to a different format

  1. Navigate to the image that you want to convert into a different format. 
    1. See where images can be stored.
  2. Edit () the image. The image editor opens.
  3. To the left of the image, click on Convert.
  4. In the first drop-down list, select the new image file format.
    1. Learn about various image formats.
  5. (JPEG only) In the Quality field, enter the compression ratio of the converted image.
    1. Note that the quality of the image affects the file size.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Save & Close.

The system saves the image in the new file format and quality.

Cropping images

  1. Navigate to the image that you want to crop.

    1. See where images can be stored.
  2. Edit () the image. The image editor opens.

  3. To the left of the image, click on Crop.

  4. (Optional) Turn the Lock aspect ratio check-box on to make sure the crop is in 1:1 ratio. You can achieve the same result while performing the next step and holding the Shift key on your keyboard.

  5. Use your mouse to click on the image and drag to specify the crop of the image.

    — or —

  6. Specify the starting X and Y positions of the crop and the Width and Height of the crop in pixels.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Save & Close.

The system saves the cropped image.

Converting images to grayscale

  1. Navigate to the image that you want to convert into grayscale.
    1. See where images can be stored.
  2. Edit () the image. The image editor opens.
  3. To the left of the image, click on Color.
  4. Click the Convert to grayscale button.
  5. Save & Close.

The system saves the image in grayscale.

Viewing image properties

  1. Navigate to the image that you want to convert into grayscale.
    1. See where images can be stored.
  2. Edit () the image. The image editor opens.
  3. To the left of the image, click Properties.
    • File name - the file name of the image.
    • Title - the title of the image.
    • Description - the description of the image.
    • Extension - the files extension of the image. Learn about various image formats.
    • Size - the size of the image in kB.
    • Width - the width of the image in pixels.
    • Height - the height of the image in pixels.
  4. If you make changes to File name, Title or Description, be sure to confirm the changes using the OK button.
  5. Save & Close.