Shopping carts

List of examples:

Adding products to the current shopping cart

// Gets a product to add to the shopping cart
SKUInfo product = SKUInfo.Provider.Get()
                                    .WhereEquals("SKUName", "NewProduct")

if (product != null)
    // Gets an instance of the shopping service used to manage the current shopping cart
    IShoppingService shoppingService = Service.Resolve<IShoppingService>();

    // Adds 1 unit of the product to the current shopping cart
    shoppingService.AddItemToCart(product.SKUID, 1);

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Adding products with product options to the current shopping cart

// Gets a product to add to the shopping cart
SKUInfo product = SKUInfo.Provider.Get()
                                    .WhereEquals("SKUName", "NewProduct")

// Gets product options for the product
SKUInfo colorOption = SKUInfo.Provider.Get()
                                           .WhereEquals("SKUName", "Red")
SKUInfo accessoryOption = SKUInfo.Provider.Get()
                                            .WhereEquals("SKUName", "AccessoryProduct")

if (product != null && colorOption != null && accessoryOption != null)
    // Prepares a ShoppingCartItemParameters object representing 1 unit of the product,
    // with the specified product options
    var optionIds = new List<int>
    var cartItemParams = new ShoppingCartItemParameters(product.SKUID, 1, optionIds);

    // Gets an instance of the shopping service used to manage the current shopping cart
    IShoppingService shoppingService = Service.Resolve<IShoppingService>();

    // Adds the product to the current shopping cart based on the ShoppingCartItemParameters

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Updating the unit count of a shopping cart item

// Gets an instance of the shopping service used to manage the current shopping cart
IShoppingService shoppingService = Service.Resolve<IShoppingService>();

// Gets the first product from the current shopping cart
ShoppingCartItemInfo product = shoppingService

if (product != null)
    // Updates the quantity of the shopping cart product to 3
    shoppingService.UpdateItemQuantity(product.CartItemID, 3);

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Adding coupon codes to the current shopping cart

// Gets an instance of the shopping service used to manage the current shopping cart
IShoppingService shoppingService = Service.Resolve<IShoppingService>();

// Adds the 'SAVE10' coupon code to the cart, if it is related to a valid discount for the current shopping cart content
// Automatically evaluates and recalculates the shopping cart

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Removing a product from the current shopping cart

// Gets an instance of the shopping service used to manage the current shopping cart
IShoppingService shoppingService = Service.Resolve<IShoppingService>();

// Gets the first product from the current shopping cart
ShoppingCartItemInfo product = shoppingService.GetCurrentShoppingCart()

if (product != null)
    // Removes a product from the current shopping cart

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Removing all products from the current shopping cart

// Gets an instance of the shopping service used to manage the current shopping cart
IShoppingService shoppingService = Service.Resolve<IShoppingService>();

// Removes all products from the current shopping cart

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Calculating the shipping price

// Gets an instance of the shopping service used to manage the current shopping cart
IShoppingService shoppingService = Service.Resolve<IShoppingService>();

// Gets a collection of shipping options configured and enabled for the current site
// Shipping options can be configured on the 'Shipping options' tab 
// of the 'Store configuration' or 'Multistore configuration' application
IEnumerable<ShippingOptionInfo> shippingOptionInfos = ShippingOptionInfo.Provider.GetBySite(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, true);

// Calculates the shipping price for the given shipping options 
// based on the contents of the current shopping cart and 
// currently running store promotions (e.g., free shipping offers)
IEnumerable<object> shippingPrices = shippingOptionInfos.Select(shippingOption =>
    decimal shippingPrice = shoppingService.CalculateShippingOptionPrice(shippingOption);
    return new
        id = shippingOption.ShippingOptionID,
        name = $"{shippingOption.ShippingOptionDisplayName} ({shippingPrice})"

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Creating a new order from the current shopping cart

// Gets an instance of the shopping service used to manage shopping cart instances
IShoppingService shoppingService = Service.Resolve<IShoppingService>();

// Creates a new order based on the contents of the current shopping cart
// Deletes the shopping cart after the order is created

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