Page workflow and versioning

List of examples:

Content locking

Checking out a page

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

// Checks if the page isn't already checked-out
if (!page.IsCheckedOut)
        // Checks out the page

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Checking in a page

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

// Checks if the page is checked-out
if (page.IsCheckedOut)
    // Checks in the page

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Undoing a page checkout

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

// Checks if the page is checked-out
if (page.IsCheckedOut)
    // Undoes the checkout

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Updating a page with the use of content locking

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

// Checks whether the page is already checked-out
if (!page.IsCheckedOut)
    // Checks out the page

    // Sets new values for the 'DocumentName' and 'ArticleTitle' fields
    page.DocumentName = "Updated article name";
    page.SetValue("ArticleTitle", "Updated article title");

    // Updates the page in the database

    // Checks in the page

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Updating multiple pages with the use of content locking

// Retrieves pages of multiple pages types from the "MySite" site in the "en-us" culture
IEnumerable<TreeNode> pages = new MultiDocumentQuery()
                                    .Types("Custom.Articles", "Custom.NewsBulletin")

// Note: When updating pages of multiple page types under workflow or versioning, always retrieve
// the pages with all columns to avoid data loss using the 'WithCoupledColumns' parameterization. 
// Optionally, you can specify the page types to retrieve using the 'Types' parameterization.

// Updates the "DocumentName" and "ArticleTitle" fields of each retrieved page
foreach (TreeNode page in pages)
    // Checks whether the page is already checked-out
    if (!page.IsCheckedOut)
        // Checks out the page

        page.DocumentName = "Updated article name";
        page.SetValue("ArticleTitle", "Updated article title");

        // Updates the page in the database

        // Checks in the page

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Page workflow management

Moving a page to a different step

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

// Gets the page's workflow             
WorkflowInfo workflow = page.GetWorkflow();

// Checks if the page uses workflow
if (workflow == null)

// Based on current workflow step, the page is sent for approval, approved, or published
// For basic workflows that automatically publish changes, archives the page
// If the page is published, rejects the page
// Moves the page to the first workflow step

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Moving a page to the Published step of the workflow

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

// Gets the page's workflow
WorkflowInfo workflow = page.GetWorkflow();

// Checks if the page uses workflow
if (workflow != null)
    // Publishes the page with a comment. There needs to be only one workflow path to the Published step.
    page.Publish("Review finished, publishing page.");

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Moving a page to the Archived step of the workflow

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

// Gets the page's workflow
WorkflowInfo workflow = page.GetWorkflow();

// Checks if the page uses workflow
if (workflow != null)
    // Archives the page with a comment
    page.Archive("The page is obsolete, archiving.");

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Page versioning

Rolling back to the oldest version of a page

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

VersionHistoryInfo versionHistory = VersionHistoryInfo.Provider.Get()
        .WhereEquals("DocumentID", page.DocumentID)
        // Reorders the data so that the oldest version of the page is first in the result

if (versionHistory != null)
    // Rolls back the specific page version

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Deleting the latest version of a page

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

if (page != null)
    // Deletes the latest version of the page

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Destroying the version history of a specific page

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

if (page!= null)
    // Destroys the page history

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Versioning without workflow

Creating a versioned page without workflow

// Gets the current site's root "/" page, which will serve as the parent page
TreeNode parentPage = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .Path("/", PathTypeEnum.Single)

if (parentPage != null)
    // Creates a new page of the custom page type
    TreeNode newPage = TreeNode.New("Custom.Article");

    // Sets the properties of the new page
    newPage.DocumentName = "Articles";
    newPage.DocumentCulture = "en-us";

    // Inserts the new page as a child of the parent page

    // Manually publishes the page as the page is not using content locking

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Updating a versioned page without workflow

// Gets a page named 'On Roasts'
// The page is retrieved from the "MySite" site and in the "en-us" culture
TreeNode page = new DocumentQuery<TreeNode>()
                        .WhereEquals("DocumentName", "On Roasts")

// Note: When updating pages of multiple page types under workflow or versioning, always retrieve
// the pages with all columns to avoid data loss using the'WithCoupledColumns' parameterization. 
// Optionally, you can specify the page types to retrieve using the 'Types' parameterization.

if (page != null)
    // Ensures that a new version of the updated page is created (relevant even when not using content locking)

    // Sets new value to the 'DocumentName' and 'ArticleTitle'
    page.DocumentName = "Updated article name";
    page.SetValue("ArticleTitle", "Updated article title");

    // Updates the page in the database

    // Creates a new version of the updated page

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