Import and export

List of examples:


Importing an object

// Creates an object containing the import settings
SiteImportSettings settings = new SiteImportSettings(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

// Initializes the import settings
settings.SourceFilePath = "Packages\\";
settings.ImportType = ImportTypeEnum.AllNonConflicting;

// Imports the package

// Deletes temporary data
ImportProvider.DeleteTemporaryFiles(settings, false);

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Importing a site

// Prepares the site import parameters
string websitePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/");
string sourceFilePath = "Packages\\";
string siteDisplayName = "Imported site";
string siteName = "ImportedSite";
string siteDomain = "";

// Verifies that the system does not already contain a site with the given name
if (SiteInfo.Provider.Get(siteName) == null)
    // Imports the site
    ImportProvider.ImportSite(siteName, siteDisplayName, siteDomain, sourceFilePath, websitePath, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

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Exporting an object (user)

// Deletes temporary export files

// Gets the user
UserInfo exportedUser = UserInfo.Provider.Get("Username");

// Ensures that the user exists
if (exportedUser != null)
    // Prepares the export parameters
    string websitePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/");
    string exportFileName = string.Format("APIExample_User_{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm}.zip", DateTime.Now);
    string exportFilePath = FileHelper.GetFullFilePhysicalPath(ImportExportHelper.GetSiteUtilsFolder(), websitePath) + "Export\\" + exportFileName;

    // Verifies that an export package with the given name doesn't already exist
    if (!File.Exists(exportFilePath))
        // Exports the user object
        ExportProvider.ExportObject(exportedUser, exportFilePath, websitePath, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

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Exporting a site

// Deletes temporary export files

// Prepares the export parameters
string websitePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/");
string exportFileName = string.Format("APIExample_Site_{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm}.zip", DateTime.Now);
string exportFilePath = FileHelper.GetFullFolderPhysicalPath(ImportExportHelper.GetSiteUtilsFolder(), websitePath) + "Export\\" + exportFileName;
string siteName = "ImportedSite";

// Verifies that the site exists
if (SiteInfo.Provider.Get(siteName) != null)
    // Verifies that an export package with the given name doesn't already exist
    if (!File.Exists(exportFilePath))
        // Exports the site
        ExportProvider.ExportSite(siteName, exportFilePath, websitePath, false, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

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Deleting export packages from the file system

// Prepares package parameters
string websitePath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/");
string exportPath = FileHelper.GetFullFolderPhysicalPath(ImportExportHelper.GetSiteUtilsFolder(), websitePath) + "Export\\";
string filesToDelete = @"APIExample*.zip";

// Gets a list of export packages
string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(exportPath, filesToDelete);

// Deletes the files
foreach (string file in fileList)
        // Deletion was unsuccessful

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