
List of examples:


Creating a new module

// Creates a new module object
ResourceInfo newModule = new ResourceInfo();

// Sets the module properties
newModule.ResourceDisplayName = "Custom module";
newModule.ResourceName = "Custom.Module";

// Ensures that the module is in development mode (not sealed)
newModule.ResourceIsInDevelopment = true;

// Saves the module to the database

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Updating a module

// Gets the module
ResourceInfo updateModule = ResourceInfo.Provider.Get("Custom.Module");
if (updateModule != null)
    // Updates the module properties
    updateModule.ResourceDisplayName = updateModule.ResourceDisplayName.ToLower();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple modules

// Get all modules assigned to the current site whose code name has the 'Custom.' prefix
var modules = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResources(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
                                    .WhereStartsWith("ResourceName", "Custom.");

// Loops through individual modules
foreach (ResourceInfo module in modules)
    // Updates the module properties
    module.ResourceDisplayName = module.ResourceDisplayName.ToUpper();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Assigning a module to a site

// Gets the module
ResourceInfo module = ResourceInfo.Provider.Get("Custom.Module");
if (module != null)
    // Assigns the module to the current site
    ResourceSiteInfo.Provider.Add(module.ResourceID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

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Removing a module from a site

// Gets the module
ResourceInfo module = ResourceInfo.Provider.Get("Custom.Module");
if (module != null)
    // Gets the binding object representing the relationship between the module and the current site
    ResourceSiteInfo moduleSite = ResourceSiteInfo.Provider.Get(module.ResourceID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

    if (moduleSite != null)
        // Removes the module from the current site

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Deleting a module

// Gets the module
ResourceInfo deleteModule = ResourceInfo.Provider.Get("Custom.Module");

// Deletes the module

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Module permissions

Defining a new permission for a module

// Gets the module
ResourceInfo module = ResourceInfo.Provider.Get("Custom.Module");

if (module != null)
    // Creates a new permission object
    PermissionNameInfo newPermission = new PermissionNameInfo();

    // Sets the permission properties
    newPermission.PermissionDisplayName = "Read";
    newPermission.PermissionName = "Read";
    newPermission.ResourceId = module.ResourceID;
    newPermission.PermissionDisplayInMatrix = true;

    // Saves the permission to the database

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Updating a module permission

// Gets the module permission
PermissionNameInfo updatePermission = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetPermissionNameInfo("Read", "Custom.Module", null);
if (updatePermission != null)
    // Updates the permission properties
    updatePermission.PermissionDisplayName = updatePermission.PermissionDisplayName.ToLower();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple module permissions

// Gets a module
ResourceInfo module = ResourceInfo.Provider.Get("Custom.Module");

if (module != null)
    // Gets all permissions of the specified module
    var permissions = PermissionNameInfo.Provider.Get().WhereEquals("ResourceId", module.ResourceID);

    // Loops through the module's permissions
    foreach (PermissionNameInfo permission in permissions)
        // Updates the permission properties
        permission.PermissionDisplayName = permission.PermissionDisplayName.ToUpper();

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Assigning a module permission to a role

// Gets the module permission
PermissionNameInfo permission = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetPermissionNameInfo("Read", "Custom.Module", null);

// Gets the role
RoleInfo role = RoleInfo.Provider.Get("Admin", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if ((permission != null) && (role != null))
    // Creates an object representing the role-permission relationship
    RolePermissionInfo newRolePermission = new RolePermissionInfo();

    // Assigns the permission to the role
    newRolePermission.PermissionID = permission.PermissionId;
    newRolePermission.RoleID = role.RoleID;

    // Saves the role-permission relationship into the database

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Removing a module permission from a role

// Gets the module permission
PermissionNameInfo permission = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetPermissionNameInfo("Read", "Custom.Module", null);

// Gets the role
RoleInfo role = RoleInfo.Provider.Get("Admin", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

if ((permission != null) && (role != null))
    // Gets the object representing the role-permission relationship
    RolePermissionInfo deleteRolePermission = RolePermissionInfo.Provider.Get(role.RoleID, permission.PermissionId);

    if (deleteRolePermission != null)
        // Removes the permission from the role

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Deleting a module permission

// Gets the module permission
PermissionNameInfo deletePermission = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetPermissionNameInfo("Read", "Custom.Module", null);

if (deletePermission != null)
    // Deletes the permission

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UI elements

Creating a new UI element

// Gets the module to which the UI element will belong
ResourceInfo module = ResourceInfo.Provider.Get("Custom.Module");
if (module != null)
    // Gets a parent UI element (the CMS > Administration > Custom element in this case)
    UIElementInfo parentElement = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo("CMS", "Custom");
    if (parentElement != null)
        // Creates a new UI element object
        UIElementInfo newElement = new UIElementInfo();

        // Set the properties
        newElement.ElementDisplayName = "Custom element";
        newElement.ElementName = "CustomElement";
        newElement.ElementResourceID = module.ResourceID;
        newElement.ElementIsCustom = true;
        newElement.ElementParentID = parentElement.ElementID;

        // Saves the new UI element to the database

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Updating a UI element

// Gets the UI element
UIElementInfo updateElement = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo("Custom.Module", "CustomElement");
if (updateElement != null)
    // Updates the UI element properties
    updateElement.ElementDisplayName = updateElement.ElementDisplayName.ToLower();

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple UI elements

// Gets a module
ResourceInfo module = ResourceInfo.Provider.Get("Custom.Module");

if (module != null)
    // Gets all UI elements that belong to the specified module
    var elements = UIElementInfo.Provider.Get().WhereEquals("ElementResourceID", module.ResourceID);

    // Loops through the module's UI elements
    foreach (UIElementInfo element in elements)
        // Updates the UI element properties
        element.ElementDisplayName = element.ElementDisplayName.ToUpper();

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Assigning a UI element to a role (UI personalization)

// Gets the role
RoleInfo role = RoleInfo.Provider.Get("Admin", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

// Gets the UI element
UIElementInfo element = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo("Custom.Module", "CustomElement");

if ((role != null) && (element != null))
    // Creates an object representing the role-UI element relationship
    RoleUIElementInfo newRoleElement = new RoleUIElementInfo();

    // Assigns the UI element to the role
    newRoleElement.RoleID = role.RoleID;
    newRoleElement.ElementID = element.ElementID;

    // Saves the new relationship to the database

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Removing a UI element from a role (UI personalization)

// Gets the role
RoleInfo role = RoleInfo.Provider.Get("Admin", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

// Gets the UI element
UIElementInfo element = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo("Custom.Module", "CustomElement");

if ((role != null) && (element != null))
    // Gets the object representing the relationship between the role and the UI element
    RoleUIElementInfo deleteRoleElement = RoleUIElementInfo.Provider.Get(role.RoleID, element.ElementID);

    if (deleteRoleElement != null)
        // Removes the UI element from the role

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Deleting a UI element

// Gets the UI element
UIElementInfo deleteElement = UIElementInfoProvider.GetUIElementInfo("Custom.Module", "CustomElement");

if (deleteElement != null)
    // Deletes the UI element

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