Abuse report

List of examples:

Creating an abuse report

// Creates a new abuse report object
AbuseReportInfo newReport = new AbuseReportInfo();

// Sets the report properties
newReport.ReportTitle = "NewReport";
newReport.ReportComment = "This is an example of an abuse report.";

newReport.ReportURL = URLHelper.GetAbsoluteUrl(RequestContext.CurrentURL);
newReport.ReportCulture = LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode;
newReport.ReportSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
newReport.ReportUserID = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID;
newReport.ReportWhen = DateTime.Now;
newReport.ReportStatus = AbuseReportStatusEnum.New;

// Saves the abuse report to the database

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Updating an abuse report

// Prepares a condition for loading the 'NewReport' abuse report
string where = "ReportTitle = N'NewReport'";

// Gets the report
DataSet reports = AbuseReportInfoProvider.GetAbuseReports(where, null);

if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(reports))
    // Converts the first DataRow to an abuse report object
    AbuseReportInfo updateReport = new AbuseReportInfo(reports.Tables[0].Rows[0]);

    // Updates the abuse report properties
    updateReport.ReportStatus = AbuseReportStatusEnum.Solved;

    // Saves the changes to the database

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Updating multiple abuse reports

// Prepares a where condition for loading all abuse reports whose title starts with 'New'
string where = "ReportTitle LIKE N'New%'";

// Gets a DataSet containing the abuse reports that fulfill the condition
DataSet reports = AbuseReportInfoProvider.GetAbuseReports(where, null);

if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(reports))
    // Loops through individual abuse reports
    foreach (DataRow reportDr in reports.Tables[0].Rows)
        // Converts the DataRow to an abuse report object
        AbuseReportInfo modifyReport = new AbuseReportInfo(reportDr);

        // Updates the abuse report properties
        modifyReport.ReportStatus = AbuseReportStatusEnum.Rejected;

        // Saves the changes to the database

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Deleting an abuse report

// Prepares a condition for loading the 'NewReport' abuse report
string where = "ReportTitle = N'NewReport'";

// Gets the report
DataSet reports = AbuseReportInfoProvider.GetAbuseReports(where, null);

if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(reports))
    // Converts the first DataRow to an abuse report object
    AbuseReportInfo deleteReport = new AbuseReportInfo(reports.Tables[0].Rows[0]);

    if (deleteReport != null)
        // Deletes the abuse report

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