Azure Web Apps problematic folders

If the following conditions are met, we recommend deleting files from the file system in the folders listed below:

  • You are developing Azure Web Apps with a blob storage AND
    • you are deploying Web Apps projects through FTP (or some other way than through Visual Studio)
      – OR –
    • if you are developing Web Apps as a website project.

In these situations, the files in these folders are included in the file system of the Web Apps service. This could cause problems when using a blob storage.

Azure Cloud Services are not affected by this, as the deployment is done exclusively through the Visual Studio which ensures that these files are not included.

Delete files in the following folders before the deployment of your Web Apps:

  • ~\CMS\CMSApp\App_Data\Persistent\
  • ~\CMS\CMSApp\App_Data\CMSModules\SmartSearch\ - without _StopWords and  _Synonyms folders, which should stay in the file system.
  • ~\CMS\CMSApp\App_Data\CMSModules\WebAnalytics\ - without MaxMind folder, which should stay in the file system.
  • ~\CMS\CMSApp\App_Data\CMSTemp\
  • ~\CMS\CMSApp\App_Data\CIRepository\
  • ~\CMS\CMSApp\App_Data\AzureTemp\ (might differ based on the configuration of the blob storage temp path)
  • ~\CMS\CMSApp\App_Data\AzureCache\ (might differ based on the configuration of the blob storage cache path)