Scoring contacts

Kentico EMS required

Features described on this page require the Kentico EMS license.

Scoring (also referred to as lead scoring or engagement scoring) is an on-line marketing feature that evaluates each contact based on their profile information and their activity on the website. The aim of the contact scoring is advanced marketing automation. If set up properly, contact scoring automatically recognizes prospective customers among all of the contacts. The information gained from the score can assist marketers and salespeople to preferentially engage these customers.

To better understand the concept of scoring, visit our blog post related to this topic.

Every product purchase, form submission, newsletter subscription, page visit and attribute in the profile of a contact is monitored and can be used to create a rule. The rules define activities and profile information for which the contacts either gain or lose points. After the points from all rules are summed up, the contact score is obtained.  Thecontact score, is not final and changes over time for individual contacts, as they perform further activities on the website.

In Kentico, it is possible to define multiple different scores, each with individual set of rules. The scores then evaluate different perspectives of the marketing potential of the contacts. Notification email can be sent after a contact exceeds certain amount of points to notify marketers and salespeople about a new contact being classified as a prospective client.

For information about working with contact scores in Kentico, visit following pages: