Impersonating a different user

Users with the Administrator privilege level can “impersonate” other users. Impersonation means signing-in to the system as a different user. This is useful, for example, when you are setting up the environment for different users and want to test the interface or actions as the other users.

Impersonating other administrators is not possible.

Actions carried out while impersonating a user are logged in the Event log under a user name in format <user name> (<original user name>), where the original user is the administrator using the impersonate function.

To impersonate a user:

  1. Open the User menu in the top-right corner of the interface.
  2. Click Impersonate. A Select user dialog opens.
  3. Click on the user that you want to impersonate.
    1. If impersonating an editor (a user with the Editor privilege level), you are redirected to the application dashboard in the administration interface.
    2. If impersonating a standard user, you are redirected to the title page of the live site.

You can now perform actions as the user that you impersonated.

If you impersonate a non-administrator, the Impersonate option remains available to you for convenience. This does not mean that the impersonated user has the ability to impersonate others.

Cancelling impersonation

There are two ways in which you can cancel impersonation:

Cancelling impersonation of a user with access to the administration interface

  1. Open the User menu in the top-right corner of the interface.
  2. Click Cancel impersonation.

The system logs you in under the original administrator account.

Cancelling impersonation of a user without access to the administration interface

  1. Sign out of the live site.
  2. Sign in under your original administrator account.