
To install Kentico, run the Kentico_9_0.exe file, which opens the Kentico Installer:

Kentico Installer

Installing Kentico


You can begin by installing Kentico for evaluation purposes using the Quick installation button.

Local installation

Check if your development server meets the recommended configuration.

Install Kentico on your local computer with your own preferred settings using the Custom installation button. If you come across any difficulties with selecting the right options, see Installing Kentico (Q&A) for recommendations.

Remote installation

Check if your development server meets the recommended configuration.

Develop your website on a remote server or set up a production environment. You will find detailed procedures for this type of installation in the Deploying Kentico to a live server section.

Where to get more information?

To learn how to develop websites, see Kentico 9 Tutorial.

You can also visit our portal for developers with blogs, forums, knowledge base and other documentation material on DevNet.

If you need advice on how to use Kentico, feel free to contact our support. The support team operates non-stop and will be happy to help you.