Reference - Product option properties

The system offers product options of the following types:

Attribute – such product options represent attributes of the main product. For example, its different colors, sizes, etc.

Option name

The name of the product option that is displayed to your customers on the live site and to the users in the administration interface.

Price adjustment

Specify the price adjustment for the product option, e.g. + 9.99 USD. The + and - characters indicate if the adjustment represents an additional charge to the price or a price reduction.

Depending on the configuration of the site’s Prices include tax setting, enter the adjustment value with or without tax included.

Unlike product price, attribute product option price can have a negative value. This is because this price is an amount that is either added to or subtracted from the price of the main product.

Allow for sale

Specify if the product option should be allowed for sale in your on-line store, i.e., whether store administrators can offer it together with selected products.

Products – such product options represent separate products. This means that for these options you can define product-related properties (SKU number, Manufacturer, etc.) and keep corresponding stock records.

The system offers Standard product, E-product and Membership product representations as product options. The Standard product properties are shared while E-products and Memberships have also their special properties.

  • Standard product – standard products typically represent product articles and services. The system offers the following properties for all product representations:


Product name

The name of the product (product option) that is displayed to your customers on the live site and to the users in the administration interface.


Specify the SKU number (serial number or product number). You can use this number, for example, in your accounting records.


Specify the price adjustment for the product (product option) in the main currency, e.g., 9.99 USD.

Depending on the configuration of the site’s Prices include tax setting, enter the value with or without tax included.


Specify a department for the product (product option).

You can add a new department directly, without the need to navigate to the dedicated Departments section:

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the department properties as required.
  3. Click Save & Close.

Now you can use the department for this product (product option), same as for any other product that you offer in your on-line store.

Tax class

Here you can specify which tax applies to the product.


Specify the supplier of the product (product option).

You can add a new supplier directly, without the need to navigate to the dedicated Suppliers application:

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the supplier properties as required.
  3. Click Save & Close.

Now you can use the supplier for this product (product option), same as for any other product that you offer in your on-line store.


Specify a representation of the product (product option). You can choose from three different representations:

The system offers as product options a standard product representation, i.e., Standard product, and two specialized types derived from this general type, i.e., Membership and E-product.

Custom properties

In this category you can edit product’s (product option’s) custom properties that you added in Modules -> Edit () E-commerce -> Classes -> Edit () SKU -> Fields.

If there is no such custom property defined in the system, the category is unavailable.


Allow for sale

Indicates if the product (product option) is allowed for sale in your on-line store, i.e., whether your store administrators can offer it together with selected products.


Needs shipping

Indicates if the product (product option) requires shipping from your on-line store warehouse to an address specified by the customer.

Memberships and e-products don’t require shipping.

Package weight

Specify package weight in units set for your online store.

Package height

Specify package height in units of your choice.

Package width

Specify package width in units of your choice.

Package depth

Specify package depth in units of your choice.


Track inventory

Determine whether the system should track the product (product option) inventory.

If so, the system can offer the users inventory-related information such as the number of available product (product option) items or quantity at which the product (product option) needs to be reordered. You can also specify whether your customers can purchase the product (product option) only if it is available in stock.

Sell only if items available

Indicates if your customers cannot order more units than the quantity of the product (product option) that is in stock. If you wish to use this property, the Track inventory property must be allowed.

Available items

Indicates the number of product (product option) items available in stock. If you wish to use this property, the Track inventory property must be allowed.

Reorder at

Indicates at which quantity on-line store administrators should reorder the product (product option).

Available only if the Track inventory property is allowed.

The system informs you about products (product options) that you should reorder in the Inventory report (in Store reports -> Products -> Inventory). You can also configure the Products widget (in Store overview) to display this information.

Min items in one order

Specify the minimum number of product (product option) items in one order.

Max items in one order

Specify the maximum number of product (product option) items in one order.


Note: The product conversion properties only apply to Portal Engine sites. To track product purchase conversions for A/B tests on MVC sites, configure the Purchase of a specific product conversion in the settings of individual A/B tests. See A/B testing pages for more information.

These properties are also not available for global products.

Conversion name

Select a custom conversion logged when a customer purchases (orders) the product with the product option.

  • Click Select to select a custom conversion from a list of custom conversion objects available for the current site.
  • Click Edit to edit the currently selected custom conversion.
  • Click New to create a new custom conversion or replace the currently selected one.

Conversion value

Enter a numerical value that the system records for the specified custom conversion on purchasing the product with the product option). The values are cumulative, i.e., when a conversion hit is logged, the specified value is added to the total sum previously recorded for the given conversion.

You may insert a macro expression into this field to dynamically retrieve a value from the current site context. For example: {%ShoppingCartItem.UnitPrice%}

This sample macro allows the custom conversion to log the price of the given product as its value. The advantage of a macro is that it retrieves the price dynamically, including any potential discounts that apply for the customer.

  • Membership – such product options are sets of roles. You can use memberships to allow the customers access to paid premium content and other restricted website sections or to allow them to perform actions that are not available for ordinary website users.


Membership group

Membership defined in the Membership application. Your customers get this membership if they purchase the product (product option).

Membership validity

Indicates how long the membership is valid after the purchase.

You can set the validity either for a limited period (Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Until a given date) or for an unlimited period. To set membership validity for an unlimited period of time, choose Until and leave the text box below empty.

  • E-product -- e-products are electronic files that your customers can download after the purchase.


Files validity

Indicates how long your customers can download the files after the purchase.

You can set the validity either for a limited period (Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Until a given date) or for an unlimited period. To set e-product validity for an unlimited period of time, choose Until and leave the text box below empty.


Here you can upload files that will make up the e-product.

After uploading a file (by clicking New attachment and opening the required file), the system displays the name and size of the file, and allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Edit () – if the file is an image, clicking the icon opens the image in the built-in image editor; see Editing images. If the file is not an image, clicking the icon opens the file in the built-in metadata editor; see Editing file metadata.
  • Delete () – removes the attached file from the e-product.
  • Other actions () – allows you to Clone the attached file.
  • Update () – allows you to replace the attached file with a different file.

You can upload only files with allowed extensions, as defined in the Upload extensions property in Settings -> System -> Files -> Security.

Text – such product options represent inscriptions, labels, etc. For example, inscriptions in books, labels on cell phone covers, etc.

Option name

The name of the product option that is displayed to your customers on the live site and to the users in the administration interface.

Price adjustment

Specify the price adjustment for the product option, e.g. + 9.99 USD. The + and - characters indicate if the adjustment represents is an additional charge to the price or a price reduction.

Depending on the configuration of the site’s Prices include tax setting, enter the adjustment value with or without tax included.

Unlike product price, text product option price can have a negative value. This is because this price is an amount that is either added to or subtracted from the price of the main product.